News: Research


Clam fossils help scientists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations

December 2, 2021

By examining fossilized clams scientists including David Jablonski, the William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Service Professor of Geophysical Sciences, and postdoctoral researcher, Nick Crouch, found that a commonly used protocol hides the true extent of how species live and die through major extinctions. Clams previously assumed to originate before the last great extinction actually originated in a burst of diversification in the aftermath.

Wearable device that changes perception of softness wins best paper at UIST 2021

December 1, 2021

A fingertip haptic device built in a human computer integration lab shows a person comparing the softness of a teddybear and a hunk of metal

A new wearable technology designed by researchers in the Human Computer Integration laboratory at UChicago Computer Science can fool fingertips, changing the user’s perception of an object’s softness. The research describing the project, led by predoctoral student Yujie Tao, received a Best Paper Award at the 2021 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology and the Best Demo Award from the UIST Jury.

Web of Science recognizes highly cited researchers of 2021

December 1, 2021

PSD against a white and turquoise background

Eight current University of Chicago Physical Science Division faculty were named in Web of Science's 2021 report of highly cited researchers. Researchers on the list have demonstrated significant and broad influence in the past decade, with highly cited papers ranking in the top 1% by citation for a chosen field or fields.

ScaleStuds project receives $5 million to build foundations for massive computation

November 29, 2021

The timber frame of a building under construction, which relates to an article about computer scientists building new software for massive clusters from the studs.

With a $5 million LARGE grant from NSF, computer science professors Haryadi Gunawi, Shan Lu, and Hank Hoffmann will lead a group of researchers to develop a new pipeline of tools, software, and systems that allow software developers to write robust new software for massive clusters, even without direct access to these expensive systems, thus building foundations for correctness checkability and performance predictability at scale.

How the Earth and moon formed, explained

November 29, 2021

Illustration of an object crashing into the proto-Earth

How and when did the Earth and moon form? The latest entry in the UChicago News "Core Knowledge" explainer series explores these origins, and other questions scientists are still asking.

PSD in the News - November 2021

November 18, 2021

PSD against a white and turquoise background

This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to invent chemical haptics, to detect internet censorship in real time, and to extract water from the air of even the driest deserts.

Unlocking the secrets of black holes, with Andrea Ghez

November 18, 2021

Andrea Ghez

The UChicago podcast Big Brains interviews Nobel-winning scientist and Lab alumna Andrea Ghez about examining the monster at the center of our galaxy—and how we got here.

Modifying molecules is complicated—so UChicago chemists found a simpler way

November 18, 2021

UChicago postdoctoral researcher Zhao Wu

A new study by University of Chicago chemists offers a more efficient way to let researchers rearrange the components of a molecule—in particular, a key component called carbonyl groups that appears in many pharmaceutical drugs and other useful chemicals.

Statistics breakthrough helps calculate likelihood of worst-case scenarios

November 18, 2021

A black swan figurine surrounded by white swan figurines

Scientists including Joel Cohen, a visiting professor in the Department of Statistics, have announced a new way to tease out information about events that are rare, but highly consequential—such as pandemics and insurance payouts.

‘Portable oasis’ extracts water from dry desert air

November 18, 2021

An arid scene with cracking desert floor

An ultraporous humidity sponge could provide 300 gallons of fresh water a day. UChicago computational chemist Prof. Laura Gagliardi is using molecular simulations and precise experimental measurements to figure out how this material might capture even more water even more easily.

Black holes have tantrums, and scientists have finally captured the resulting gamma rays

November 17, 2021

An artist’s conception of a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy that is spewing out jets (shown in orange) as well as via ultra-fast outflows of ionized gas (shown in gray/blue).

A group of scientists announced they had detected the gamma rays from a phenomenon known as an ultra-fast outflow—a powerful wind launched from very near a supermassive black hole—for the first time. Scientists believe these outflows play an important role in regulating the growth of the black hole itself and its host galaxy.

Are you prepared for the quantum revolution?

November 17, 2021

Gold quantum IBM computing device

In this introduction to why quantum computing will transform the digital world as we know it, the Chicagoland region is featured for leading the charge with the Chicago Quantum Exchange—which “draws on the expertise and vision of world-class universities, exceptional government laboratories and visionary industry leaders to advance research and development of quantum technologies.”

Massive, colliding black holes may expand along with the universe

November 17, 2021

An illustration showing a merger between two black holes.

A team of scientists that includes Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics Hubble Fellow Michael Zevin may have solved the mystery of how most massive black holes are formed. The team proposes that black holes with masses that were previously unexplainable could be growing hand-in-hand with the accelerating expansion of the Universe. The phenomenon could be an example of what the team calls "cosmological coupling."

Future VR haptics may use chemicals on the skin to make you feel

November 12, 2021

A woman is shown using a robotic haptic feedback device on her arm and a virtual reality headset

Researchers from the Human Computer Integration Lab have developed an entirely new approach called chemical haptics, which directly triggers receptors in human skin in different ways.

A new theory for systems that defy Newton’s third law

November 12, 2021

A lego vehicle with a motor

Quanta Magazine coverage of UChicago condensed matter physicists Prof. Vincenzo Vitelli, postdoc Ryo Hanai, and Prof. Peter Littlewood, who study the mathematical objects called exceptional points that have been found to control phase transitions in nonreciprocal systems.