News: Students


Enhancing multitasking efficiency: the role of muscle stimulation in reducing mental workload

July 24, 2024

4 hands working on a laptop

PhD student Romain Nith, research collaborator Yun Ho, and Associate Professor Pedro Lopes propose increasing the efficiency of multitasking by incorporating electrical muscle stimulation called “SplitBody.”

Three UChicago undergraduate students earn 2024 Goldwater Scholarships

July 15, 2024

from left: Sarah Kress, Eva McCord, and Joshua Pixley

University of Chicago rising fourth-year students Sarah Kress, Eva McCord, and Joshua Pixley have been awarded 2024 Barry Goldwater Scholarships. Kress and Pixley are chemistry majors.

Researchers draw inspiration from ancient Alexandria to optimize quantum simulations

June 6, 2024

marble columns in Athens

A new algorithm developed at UChicago, drawing inspiration from a famous experiment involving shadows in ancient Alexandria, could help quantum computers more efficiently simulate molecular systems with high accuracy.

What do we know about how the world might end?

June 6, 2024

multiple choice test sheet with existential threats as options

New Yorker staff writer Rivka Galchen discusses UChicago class Are We Doomed?, cotaught by astrophysicist Daniel Holz. It’s in the interdisciplinary field of existential risk, which studies the threats posed by climate change, nuclear warfare, and artificial intelligence. Listen to the podcast and read the story.

PELICAN takes flight

June 5, 2024

The ATLAS detector at CERN

A novel algorithm that harnesses math and physics principles offers enhanced pattern recognition capabilities.

UChicago scientists invent “living bioelectronics” that can sense and heal skin

June 4, 2024

Jiuyun Shi holds a small device that integrates living cells, gel, and sensors

A flexible, adaptable, storable patch combines bacteria and sensors to interface with the body.

Atop a Chilean mountain, undergraduate students make cutting-edge astronomical observations

May 29, 2024

class at sunset

UChicago students conduct research at Magellan telescopes as part of new field course. This story is part of a series called UChicago Class Visits, spotlighting transformative classroom experiences and unique learning opportunities offered at UChicago.

Unveiling attention receipts: tangible reflections on digital consumption

May 29, 2024

Attention receipt box

PhD student Anup Sathya and Assistant Professor Ken Nakagaki introduce Attention Receipts, a tangible solution aimed at increasing awareness of digital consumption habits and navigating the complexities of technology's impact on human agency. Through this innovation, they seek to foster a culture of introspection in the digital age.

Dickinson Lab maps RNA molecules with novel proximity labeling method

May 29, 2024

Shubhasree Pani

The Dickinson Lab introduced a proximity labeling method to map RNA molecules within cells. This technique, developed by graduate student Shubhasree Pani and Dr. Tian Qiu, enhances the understanding of RNA functions and cellular organization.

Prize Winners for Educational Excellence 2024

May 21, 2024

students in lecture hall

This year, nine PSD instructors and students have been honored for excellence in teaching the next generation of scientists.

NASA to launch UChicago undergraduates’ satellite

May 13, 2024

Members of the UChicago PULSE-A leadership team.

A team of UChicago undergraduates is building a communications satellite smaller than a paper towel roll that will be launched into orbit courtesy of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative. 

PULSE-A was designed and will be built by a group of 53 University of Chicago undergraduates from the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, the Physics Department, the Computer Science Department, and the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics. 

UChicago scientists use machine learning to turn cell snapshots dynamic

May 13, 2024

cancer cells

Researchers from the University of Chicago have developed a new method to use machine learning to turn static snapshots of cells into better pictures of how cells and genes change dynamically over time.

Physical Sciences Division Launches New Postbaccalaureate Premedical Certificate Program

May 2, 2024

student in blue labcoat works at bench

New certificate program will give recent UChicago graduates a competitive edge in medical school admissions.

DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program Selects 86 Outstanding U.S. Graduate Students

April 26, 2024

Gabriel Yusuke Hoshino

Congratulations to Gabriel Yusuke Hoshino, a Physics PhD student in David Miller's group, for being selected to the DOE’s Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program for Experimental Research in High Energy Physics at Fermilab.

Through world-class training and access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources at DOE National Laboratories, SCGSR prepares graduate students to enter jobs of critical importance to the DOE mission and secures our national position at the forefront of discovery and innovation.

Sarah King uses art competition to enhance student understanding

April 11, 2024

4-panel comic strip: Finding small bits in waves with Tiny, the older than time animal

For the past two years, Chemistry Assistant Professor Sarah King has organized an open art contest in her CHEM 122 class. At the end of the quarter, several students are selected to present a visual project before the class that breaks down complex chemistry principles into creative works of art. By incorporating elements of creativity and communication, the competition serves multiple purposes in King’s pedagogical approach.