The Register UK asks when will quantum computers be capable of crypto-cracking, with Prof. Diana Franklin
April 13, 2020
The Register UK asks when will quantum computers be capable of crypto-cracking, cites new RAND report and CS Prof. Diana Franklin
Margaret Burbidge, astrophysicist and champion of women in science, 1919–2020
April 12, 2020
Astrophysicist and former University of Chicago scientist, Margaret Burbidge, died in San Francisco in April. Burbidge was a giant in the field of astronomy and physics and an expert practitioner of astronomical spectroscopy—the study of the spectra of stars, galaxies, and quasi-stellar objects. She used her international spotlight to champion the representation and inclusion of women in the sciences.
UChicago community finds new ways to learn together
April 10, 2020
UChicago community finds new ways to learn together
Faculty, students, University community connect as Spring Quarter and remote learning begins
Three undergraduates awarded Goldwater Scholarships
April 9, 2020
Three undergraduates awarded Goldwater Scholarships to support STEM education: third-years Spencer Dembner, Vennela Mannava and Thomas Propson honored
Will Coronavirus Freeze the Search for Dark Matter?
April 9, 2020
Article notes Assoc. Prof. Luca Grandi’s role in the Xenon experiment, an investigation into the nature of dark matter, which has been halted by the pandemic
Five awarded 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
April 8, 2020
Congratulations to UChicago PSD’s five 2020 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program recipients, David Zegeye and Cory Cotter in astronomy, LeeAnn Marie Sager in chemistry, and Jordan T Kemp and Amanda Mirna Farah in physics.
‘Amazing’ Math Bridge Extended Beyond Fermat’s Last Theorem
April 7, 2020
In Quanta, Prof. Matthew Emerton describes two new papers that reveal fundamental number-theoretic phenomena that overcome the barrier of bridging two continents—a challenge generations of researchers have pursued as “Langland's program,” which seeks to create a grand unified theory of mathematics. These findings may help prove Fermat’s Last Theorem for some number systems beyond the positive whole numbers.
Richard Miller, pioneering computational astrophysicist, 1926-2020
April 6, 2020
Founding Chair on the Committee of Information Sciences and pioneer in numerical simulations of the formation of structure in the universe and dynamics of galaxies died on Mar. 7
Intentional Space: simple strategies blog
April 3, 2020
taking in content
Read the PSD Communications blog Intentional Space for simple strategies to help you navigate working from home and heightening your awareness. This blog series by PSD Communications Specialist Maureen McMahon will run during Spring Quarter. Find simple work-from-home routines, mindfulness strategies, and ways to cultivate a peaceful day.
Researchers join forces to study how best to decontaminate N95 masks
April 2, 2020
A team of 60 scientists and engineers, students and clinicians from both the private sector and universities, including the University of Chicago, are unveiling N95decon.org, a website that synthesizes the scientific literature about mask decontamination to create a set of best practices to decontaminate and reuse this protective face covering during the current emergency.
Intentional Space: simple strategies blog
March 31, 2020
cultivating a peaceful workday
Read the PSD Communications blog Intentional Space for simple strategies to help you navigate working from home and heightening your awareness. This blog series by PSD Communications Specialist Maureen McMahon will run during Spring Quarter. Find simple work-from-home routines, mindfulness strategies, and ways to cultivate a peaceful day.
Statistician Rina Foygel Barber wins Peter Gavin Hall Early Career Prize
March 30, 2020
Prof. Foygel Barber wins Hall Award “for outstanding
contributions to the development of methodology and theory for structured
high-dimensional data problems such as sparse regression, sparse
nonparametric models, and low-rank models, as well as scalable
optimization techniques for nonconvex problems.”
PSD in the News - March 2020
March 30, 2020
This month PSD researchers have been featured for the efforts of chemists to decode RNA of the new coronavirus, using AI to decode cuneiform tablets, and predicting a new state of matter.
Labs around UChicago donate protective equipment to hospital
March 27, 2020
Prof. Margaret Gardel leads effort to donate thousands of pieces of personal protective equipment from UChicago labs.
COVID-19 research declared initial focus of C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute
March 27, 2020
The new C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute (C3.ai DTI) unites six research universities, including UChicago, with AI software provider C3.ai and Microsoft to focus scientific efforts on advancing the knowledge, science and technologies for mitigating the impact of future pandemics.