Scientists release newly accurate map of all the matter in the universe
January 31, 2023

A group of scientists, including several with the UChicago and Fermilab, have released one of the most precise measurements ever made of how matter is distributed across the universe today, using DES and SPT data.
Three PSD scholars named 2022 AAAS fellows
January 31, 2023

Philippe Guyot-Sionnest, Departments of Chemistry and Physics, Robert Rosner, Department of Physics, and Norbert F. Scherer, Department of Chemistry have been named in the 2022 class of American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows. The award recognizes their advancing scientific excellence, tackling complex societal challenges, and pushing boundaries that will reap benefits for years to come.
Norman Lebovitz, UChicago mathematician who unraveled the behaviors of stars and galaxies, 1935-2022
January 30, 2023

Norman Lebovitz, a professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Chicago who taught for more than 40 years and worked to unravel the complex behaviors of stars and galaxies, died Dec. 28, 2022. He was 87.
Unmasking ‘trickster’ exoplanets with bogus signatures of alien life
January 27, 2023

Assoc. Prof. Edwin Kite, Dept. of Geophysical Sciences, is part of a team striving to identify nontraditional abiotic methane sources that could potentially be in play on exoplanets of interest.
Albert Madansky, AB’52, SM’55, PhD’58, renowned statistician with an ‘endless curiosity’ for business, 1934–2022
January 27, 2023

Remembering Albert Madansky, Statistics AB’52, SM’55, PhD’58, and longtime UChicago Booth professor who studied subjects ranging from nuclear war to behavioral science and pastrami.
Wisconsin NPR: Artificial intelligence on the rise with Profs. Willet and Zhao
January 27, 2023

Wisconsin Public Radio Morning Show host Kate Archer Kent interviews computer science professors Rebecca Willet and Ben Zhao about the potential uses and security challenges to AI.
PSD in the News - January 2023
January 26, 2023

This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to determine why the Southern Hemisphere is stormier than the Nothern Hemisphere, explain how the HIV virus replicates itself, and gather and analyze data on the funding, location, and research status for more than 230 GMO crop varieties in Africa.
Geophysical Sciences student selected for Illinois Space Grant Consortium fellowship
January 25, 2023

Alya Al-Kibbi, a first-year graduate student in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences studying planetary science, has been awarded a graduate fellowship from The Illinois Space Grant Consortium (ISGC).
UChicago launches accelerator for data science and emerging AI startups
January 25, 2023

The University of Chicago’s Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Data Science Institute today announced the launch of Transform, a new accelerator for startup companies focused on the breakthrough technologies of data science and artificial intelligence.
Where is physics headed (and how soon do we get there)?
January 24, 2023

The New York Times interviewed the co-chairs of the national committee on Elementary Particle Physics: Progress and Promise, emeritus Professor Michael Turner, Depts. Physics and Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Maria Spiropulu, to discuss the group’s progress, the disappointments of the last 20 years and the challenges ahead.
Doomsday Clock moves closest to apocalypse than ever before, at 90 seconds to midnight
January 24, 2023

The 2023 unveiling of the Doomsday Clock at a Jan. 24 event in Washington, D.C. showed hands of the clock at 90 seconds to midnight. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which includes Profs. Holz and Rosner of PSD, cite ‘unprecedented danger’ amid war in Ukraine, concerns over climate change.
Tiny ion is crucial for HIV replication, say UChicago chemists
January 24, 2023

A study by UChicago chemists has uncovered a new key step in the process that HIV uses to replicate itself. “The thought is that if we could stop the capsids from forming, or cause them to malform, we could prevent HIV from being infectious and replicating,” said senior author, Prof. Greg Voth, Dept. of Chemistry.
Meteorite hunters lug a 16.7-pound space rock from Antarctic ice
January 23, 2023

Maria Valdes, a research scientist at UChicago and the Field Museum, is among an international team who can attest to Antarctica’s meteorite-hunter-friendliness: they returned with five new meteorites, including one that weighs 16.7 pounds (7.6 kg).
Prof. Ka Yee Lee named Biophysical Society Fellow
January 19, 2023

Prof. Ka Yee C. Lee, Dept. of Chemistry, was named a Fellow of the Biophysical Society in 2023 “for her impactful and creative contributions to our understanding of the structure and stability of lipid membranes and their interactions with proteins.”
How sleep affects human health, explained
January 19, 2023

Sleep research began at UChicago, when in 1953, Nathaniel Kleitman and Eugene Aserinsky identified REM sleep, the stage when most dreaming occurs. Today, UChicago researchers study sleep’s relationship to body weight, disease, learning, and mood.