Scientists in the Galli Group uncover secrets to designing brain-like devices
November 19, 2020

Scientists in the Galli Group uncover secrets to designing brain-like devices
Mineral physicist Andrew Campbell on how we know what is deep inside the Earth
November 18, 2020

Mineral physicist Andrew Campbell on how we know what is deep inside the Earth
In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits
November 17, 2020

In new step toward quantum tech, scientists synthesize ‘bright’ quantum bits
A search for supersymmetric particles in the ATLAS detector at CERN
November 17, 2020

Supersymmetry is a proposed theory to expand the Standard Model of particle physics. Akin to the periodic table of elements, the Standard Model is the best description we have for subatomic particles in nature and the forces acting on them. But physicists know this model is incomplete—it doesn’t make room for gravity or dark matter, for example. Supersymmetry aims to complete the picture by pairing each Standard Model particle with a supersymmetric partner, opening up a new class of hypothetical particles to detect and discover. In a new study, UChicago physicists have uncovered limitations for what properties these superpartners, if they exist, could have.
Glaciologist Doug MacAyeal comments on iceberg headed for sub-antarctic island
November 16, 2020

Glaciologist Doug MacAyeal comments on an iceberg headed for sub-antarctic island, threatens wildlife
Globus celebrates 10 years of connecting the research universe
November 16, 2020

100 billion files later, Globus celebrates ten years of connecting the research universe
Gov. J.B. Pritzker speaks at UChicago event about impact of quantum research
November 16, 2020

Gov. J.B. Pritzker speaks at UChicago event about impact of quantum research
Carl-Gustaf Rossby, first director of UChicago Institute of Meteorology, changed weather research from a descriptive to a predictive science
November 13, 2020

Carl-Gustaf Rossby, first director of UChicago Institute of Meteorology, changed weather research from a descriptive to a predictive science
Chicago Quantum Exchange welcomes six new partners, including company founded by UChicago CS Alum
November 13, 2020

The Chicago Quantum Exchange, a growing intellectual hub for the research and development of quantum technology, has added to its community six new partners in technology, finance, manufacturing, and consulting that are working to bring about and primed to take advantage of the coming quantum revolution. New corporate partners are Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS), Hamamatsu Photonics, Protiviti, Quantum Machines, and, a company founded by a recent UChicago CS graduate, Pranav Gokhale.
Meteorologist Tetsuya Theodore Fujita (1920–1998) led a tempestuous career
November 12, 2020

Singing for the pine trees are stormy winds. Meteorologist Tetsuya Theodore Fujita (1920–1998) led a tempestuous career
UChicago scientists turn IBM computer into a quantum material
November 12, 2020

UChicago scientists turn IBM computer into a quantum material
First inaugural PSD Staff Awards honors five members for dedication and hard work
November 11, 2020

On Tuesday, November 10, 79 members of the University of Chicago Physical Sciences Division attended the first inaugural PSD Staff Awards. Alex Filatov, Carla Strickland, Sarah Lippert, Anne Collard, and Melinda Moore were recognized.
Meet geophysical sciences student, Andy Heard
November 6, 2020

Meet geophysical sciences student, Andy Heard, who studies geochemistry and uses precise measurements of iron isotope ratios in sedimentary rocks to learn about the history of oxygen on the ancient Earth.
Computer Science HandMorph Project uses tech to simulate children’s experience
November 4, 2020

A new grasp on empathy: Computer Science HandMorph Project uses tech to simulate children’s experience.
Chicago Quantum Summit to foster national center collaborations, build quantum economy
October 30, 2020

Quantum technology experts from around the country will convene virtually on November 11-13 to forge new partnerships amid an exciting year for quantum research. This year, the three-day virtual Summit will include presentations and discussions that focus on building collaborations between large-scale quantum research centers, companies, and innovators; fostering a quantum economic ecosystem and growing the quantum startup community; and developing a quantum-ready workforce. It will also include a public event on Nov. 12, featuring a presentation by Scott Aaronson, the David J. Bruton Centennial Professor of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin; and a fireside chat with Aaronson and David Awschalom, the director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange.