News: 2020


Research by PhD Student Pranav Gokhale and EPiQC Wins IBM Q Best Paper

March 20, 2020

Pranav Gokhale

Research by PhD Student Pranav Gokhale and EPiQC Wins IBM Q Best Paper

An Automated Menu for LHC Data and the Search for Dark Matter

March 18, 2020

Particle accelorator data

With a CDAC Discovery Grant, physicist David Miller and computer scientist Yuxin Chen hope to build a "self-driving" system for selecting and analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

UChicago Medicine’s Emily Landon answers common questions about COVID-19

March 17, 2020

COVID-19 virus image

UChicago Medicine’s Emily Landon answers common questions about COVID-19. Assoc. Prof. Landon specializes in infectious disease, and serves as medical director of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control at University of Chicago Medicine.

“Active materials” could inspire new technology

March 13, 2020


James Franck Institute physicist Prof. Vincenzo Vitelli and his group push the boundaries between materials and machines. In a new Nature Physics paper, they explain "active materials” could inspire new technology

How AI could help translate the written language of ancient civilizations

March 13, 2020

Dig at Persepolis

Oriental Institute, Computer Science scholars collaborate on program to read cuneiform tablets

A Smithsonian curator remembers UChicago chemist Toshiko Mayeda

March 10, 2020

Toshiko K. Mayeda

UChicago female chemist Tosh Mayeda went from an internment camp to studying the chemistry of the solar system

UChicago computer scientists propose Fawkes, a system fighting unauthorized facial recognition models

March 10, 2020

Ben Zhao

UChicago computer scientists propose Fawkes, a system that allow individuals to inoculate themselves against unauthorized facial recognition models

A theory for generating and moving energy efficiently

March 10, 2020

LeeAnn Sager, Prof. David Mazziotti, and Shiva Safaei

Scientists Shiva Safaei, Prof. David Mazziotti, and LeeAnn Sager discuss a prediction that dual states of matter can exist in the same material—which may be useful for applications

Feeding 10 billion people on Earth is possible—and sustainable, scientists say

March 9, 2020


Feeding 10 billion people on Earth is possible—and sustainable, scientists say. New findings featuring co-author Jonas Jägermeyr, a postdoctoral research in Computer Science, has been published in Nature Sustainability

Meet astronomy & astrophysics student Amy Tang

March 4, 2020

Amy Tang

Amy Tang was born in Shenyang, China, and grew up in Toronto, Canada. She was an undergraduate physics student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She is a fifth year graduate student in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics. We interviewed her about her experiences below. 

Scientists seize rare chance to watch faraway star system evolve

March 4, 2020

a young planet

Adina Feinstein, a NSF Graduate Research Fellow at UChicago, talks about the difficulties of finding young planets

What makes a UChicago computer scientist a beloved campus figure

March 3, 2020

Borja Sotomayor

Geeky T-shirts, open door policy make UChicago computer scientist beloved campus figure

New coronavirus protein, mapped in Chicago, reveals drug target

March 2, 2020

Corona Virus protein

New coronavirus protein, mapped in Chicago, reveals drug target. UChicago part of team that solved the structure.

Wired Magazine covers Astro Prof. Wendy Freedman’s work on the Hubble Constant

March 2, 2020

TRGB Stars

Wired Magazine covers Astronomy Prof. Wendy Freedman and team's use of the “tip of the red giant branch” (TRGB) stars to arrive at a significantly lower Hubble rate than other observers


Building a 3D map of the universe to uncover the mysteries of dark energy

February 28, 2020

Fermi Lab Dark Energy Survey Telescope

SciTechDaily profiles Dark Energy Survey and how new instrumentation may give the best insight yet into how dark energy has behaved over time