News: 2019


Meet Jade Checlair

April 11, 2019

Jade Checlair

Jade Checlair was born and raised in Brussels, Belgium. Prior to attending the University of Chicago, she studied physics at the University of Toronto and spent a summer in Tokyo researching exoplanets. She’s now in her third year at UChicago, pursuing a PhD in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences.

UChicago-run South Pole Telescope Contributes to First Black Hole Image

April 10, 2019

Black Hole

The Event Horizon Telescope, a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes, including the UChicago-run South Pole Telescope, captured the first ever image of a black hole. The black hole is at the center of Messier 87, a massive galaxy in the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster.

Cold atoms act as messengers at a distance

April 4, 2019

Prof. Cheng Chin and postdoctoral researcher Brian DeSalvo

In a paper published by Nature on April 3, researchers at the University of Chicago report that atoms can exchange information using intermediary particles. This is the first time the phenomenon has been observed in a cold atom system, where atoms are maintained at temperatures close to absolute zero to reveal their quantum mechanical properties. 

Meet Alan Chang

April 2, 2019

Alan Chang

Alan Chang was born in Minneapolis, MN, and grew up in San Jose, CA. He received a BA in mathematics from Princeton and is now in his fifth year of the University of Chicago’s Mathematics PhD program. We interviewed him via email about his experiences at UChicago.


Meet June Wu

March 28, 2019

June Wu

June Wu is from Shanghai, China. Before coming to the University of Chicago, she received her BA in mathematics and MS in scientific computing from the Courant Institute at New York University. She is in her first year of pursuing a PhD with the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM). We interviewed her via email about her experiences at UChicago.

Meet Petr Panov

March 26, 2019

Petr Panov

Petr Panov is from Moscow, Russia. He earned his BSc and MSc in biophysics from Moscow Institute of Technology. He is now a fourth-year student pursuing a PhD in statistics. We interviewed him via email about his experiences at the University of Chicago.

Meet Adina Feinstein

March 21, 2019

Adina Feinstein

Adina Feinstein grew up in Syosset, New York. She received a BS in Astrophysics from Tufts University and is now a first-year student in the MS-PSD program with a concentration in astronomy & astrophysics. We interviewed her via email about her experiences at the University of Chicago.

Physical Sciences Division announces the Chicago Center for Theoretical Chemistry

March 5, 2019

Prof. Gregory Voth

A new UChicago research center focused on theoretical chemistry will expand the study of chemical systems by examining the fundamental origins of reactivity, electronic behavior, and complex organization.


John Frederick, 1949-2019

February 26, 2019

John Frederick, professor emeritus in the Department of Geophysical Sciences died Jan. 30. He was 69.

Edward ‘Rocky’ Kolb to direct Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics

February 26, 2019

Prof. Rocky Kolb

The University of Chicago has named Edward 'Rocky' W. Kolb as director of its Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, a leading center dedicated to deepening our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe and the laws that govern it.

University of Chicago and Magnetar Capital Foundation Introduce New Standard for Financial Education

February 20, 2019

Physical Sciences data map logo

‘finEDge’ is a research-based program that teaches students critical financial decision-making skills, helping them navigate a complex, ever-changing marketplace.

Student group announces lab safety competition

February 8, 2019

Lab Safety Competition

This April, labs in the Department of Chemistry and the Institute for Molecular Engineering (IME) are invited to join a competition to be the Safest Lab of 2019. The premise? The Joint Research Safety Initiative (JRSI), a student and postdoc-run group, will train volunteers to walk through participating labs “looking both for safety mishaps and clever ingenuity.” The winning labs earn not only the title but also a grand prize of $500 or two runner-up prizes of $250 to be used for a lab outing. 


UChicago’s “Big Brains” podcast features cosmologist Daniel Holz in latest episode

January 22, 2019

Prof. Daniel Holz

All around us in the universe, black holes are smashing into each other with tremendous force. These events are so powerful that they cause ripples in the fabric of space-time—and these ripples, called gravitational waves, travel hundreds of millions of light-years across the universe.

Arūnas Liulevičius, mathematician and beloved UChicago teacher, 1934-2018

January 17, 2019

Arūnas Liulevičius

For the nearly four decades that Prof. Arūnas Leonardas Liulevičius taught mathematics to undergraduates at the University of Chicago, he was regularly approached by former students telling him he had inspired them to pursue majors or careers in the field after taking his classes.

Mathematician Wins Prestigious Wolf Prize

January 17, 2019

Prof. Greg Lawler

Gregory Lawler, the George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, has earned the prestigious Wolf Prize for his contributions to research on stochastic processes.