News: Research


​Theorists discover the ‘Rosetta Stone’ for neutrino physics

October 24, 2019

Picture of the world's first neutrino observation in a hydrogen bubble chamber.

Three physicists at the University of Chicago and two national laboratories have discovered a fundamental identity in linear algebra—based on studying particle physics. 

​Astronomers use giant galaxy cluster as X-ray magnifying lens

October 16, 2019

Picture of Magellan Telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile at night with the night sky full of stars.

Astronomers at the University of Chicago, MIT and elsewhere have used a massive cluster of galaxies as an X-ray magnifying glass to peer back in time, to nearly 9.4 billion years ago. In the process, they spotted a tiny dwarf galaxy in its very first, high-energy stages of star formation

​Chicago Quantum Summit to gather international experts

October 14, 2019

Illustration of unspecified photons

Top experts in quantum technology from around the globe will gather at the University of Chicago on Oct. 25 to discuss the future of quantum information science and strategies to build a quantum workforce. 


​Researchers develop blood tests to detect diabetic complications and cancer

October 7, 2019

Gloved hand holding two full vials of blood samples

University of Chicago Prof. Chuan He partnered with Northwestern Assoc. Prof. Wei Zhang to develop a simple blood test that accurately detects whether patients with diabetes have developed vascular complications, which are responsible for about two-thirds of diabetes deaths. 

​Nearly a decade in the making, exoplanet-hunting instrument installed in Hawaii

October 4, 2019

MAROON-X team members wearing and Gemini Observatory staff wearing helmets standing in front of the Gemini North telescope with the MAROON-X unit.

Jacob Bean, associate professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Chicago, led a project to build and install an innovative instrument that will scan the skies for new exoplanets—worlds in other solar systems that could potentially host life. Over the past eight years, Bean and his team had designed and built the instrument, called MAROON-X; this summer they finally attached it to a telescope at the Gemini Observatory at the top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. 

Researchers at the University of Chicago seek to shape emerging field of AI

October 2, 2019

Prof. Willet presenting slides on AI and data science foundations in front of audience

AI technology is increasingly used to open up new horizons for scientists and researchers. At the University of Chicago, researchers are using it for everything from scanning the skies for supernovae to finding new drugs from millions of potential combinations and developing a deeper understanding of the complex phenomena underlying the Earth’s climate. 


​Ambitious project to map the Big Bang’s afterglow earns NSF funding

September 25, 2019

A Supply plane in the air, leaving the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station below. The station below has three people in jackets outside in the snow.

The National Science Foundation has awarded $4 million to the University of Chicago to host the development of an ambitious multi-institutional program to map the leftover light from the Big Bang in greater detail than ever before. 

Dust from a giant asteroid crash caused an ancient ice age

September 18, 2019

Illustration of an asteroid collision

A new study by a group of scientists including a University of Chicago professor argues that the ice age was caused by global cooling, triggered by extra dust in the atmosphere from a giant asteroid collision in outer space. 

How Will Quantum Computing Change Our Society?

September 18, 2019

Illustration of blue grid lines

Forbes features Prof. Fred Chong's Quora response to the question: how will quantum computing change our society? He discusses possible technological advancements using quantum computing, including providing new means for encrypting and securely communicating data. 

UChicago mathematician, physicists win $3 million ‘Oscars of science’

September 6, 2019

Headshot of Alex Eskin

Prof. Alex Eskin, a UChicago mathematician who co-proved a “magic wand theorem” has been awarded one of the $3 million Breakthrough Prizes. 

The Event Horizon Telescope collaboration, of which the University of Chicago is a partner, received the prize for creating the first image of a black hole earlier this year.  Michael Levin, an associate professor of physics studying quantum condensed matter physics, was also awarded the New Horizons Prize along with three other physicists. 

Computer scientist integrates technology with anatomy

September 4, 2019

Picture of Marco Kaisth, class of 2021, in spacious lab room playing with a theremin.

Asst. Prof. Pedro Lopes reimagines the role of “human” in human-computer interaction. Some of Lopes's projects consider how humans respond to computers being in control of their anatomy.  

Chemist illuminates pacemaker technology

September 4, 2019

3D illustration of human heart

Assoc. Prof. Bozhi Tian develops a less invasive pacemaker--silicon cells that could be injected into the heart and operated using pulses of light. 

UChicago scientists investigate biodiversity question with innovative approach

August 30, 2019

3D image of a Spondylus americanus on the left and a Arctica Islandica on the right

Prof. David Jablonksi addresses a long-standing biodiversity question: why are there so many species at the equator and so few near the poles? In one study, Jablonski, whose research on mollusks has shaped the field, worked with a UChicago bird biologist to understand how species across the world live in different climates. In the second, Jablonski and postdoc Katie Collins used a micro CT scanner to analyze how forms of mollusks change from tropics to poles. 

PSD in the News - August 2019

August 30, 2019

A satellite image of salt deposits on top of Mount Sharp on the surface of Mars.

This month, PSD researchers have been featured for investigating questions in biodiversity, studying salt deposits on Mars, and discussing online privacy. In case you missed it, review our news headlines from August 2019.


Researchers discover source of deep-sea methane locked inside rocks between the Earth’s crust

August 29, 2019

A deep-sea hydrothermal vent, also called a black smoker in dim lighting

Postdoctoral Fellow Stephanie Olson comments on new geological discovery of 'massive pool' of methane and posits that it could have astrobiological significance.