Scientists may have found the spot where our supermassive black hole “vents”
May 29, 2024
Chandra X-ray telescope reveals hot gas traveling along a “chimney” as it’s ejected.
Dickinson Lab maps RNA molecules with novel proximity labeling method
May 29, 2024
The Dickinson Lab introduced a proximity labeling method to map RNA molecules within cells. This technique, developed by graduate student Shubhasree Pani and Dr. Tian Qiu, enhances the understanding of RNA functions and cellular organization.
Drug targeting RNA modifications shows promise for treating neuroblastoma
May 15, 2024
Researchers from the University of Chicago, including chemist Chuan He, show that a drug molecule targeting RNA modifications in neuroblastoma cells suppresses tumor growth in mice.
AI for control rooms
May 15, 2024
Scientists in particle physics and astrophysics, including institutions such as Fermilab, are turning to AI for help with complex tasks.
Scientists find evidence that meltwater is fracturing ice shelves in Antarctica
May 15, 2024
Increased temperatures from climate change cause ponds that weaken ice, expedition finds.
Inside the He Lab: Using the science of RNA to feed the world
May 15, 2024
Travel inside Prof. Chuan He’s lab and meet the scientists working on new ways to boost plant growth and drought resistance with a technique based on RNA.
NASA to launch UChicago undergraduates’ satellite
May 13, 2024
A team of UChicago undergraduates is building a communications satellite smaller than a paper towel roll that will be launched into orbit courtesy of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative.
PULSE-A was designed and will be built by a group of 53 University of Chicago undergraduates from the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, the Physics Department, the Computer Science Department, and the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics.
UChicago scientists use machine learning to turn cell snapshots dynamic
May 13, 2024
Researchers from the University of Chicago have developed a new method to use machine learning to turn static snapshots of cells into better pictures of how cells and genes change dynamically over time.
How artificial intelligence can transform U.S. energy infrastructure
May 13, 2024
Groundbreaking report by leading energy researchers, including UChicago computer scientist Rick Stevens, provides ambitious framework for accelerating clean energy deployment while minimizing risks and costs in the face of climate change.
Szostak lab learns the dance of RNA replication process
May 13, 2024
The Szostak lab's latest research highlights RNA replication dynamics, revealing competition between primers and competitors that challenges assumptions about genetic fidelity. This exploration not only aids our understanding of life's origins but also holds promise for applications in gene regulation and genetic stability.
UChicago scientists tap the power of collaboration to address the biggest challenges
April 26, 2024
Partnering across fields of study can lead to advances from medicine to climate change. Chuan He, the John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, frequently collaborates with scientists across the University of Chicago to expand the reach of his work.
Q&A: How AI and big data can go green
April 18, 2024
CS Prof. Andrew Chien is exploring ways to help big electricity users tap clean energy.
Machine learning could help reveal undiscovered particles within data from the Large Hadron Collider
April 18, 2024
Scientists used a neural network, a type of brain-inspired machine learning algorithm, to sift through large volumes of particle collision data.
Non-unital noise adds a new wrinkle to the quantum supremacy debate
April 11, 2024
CS PhD Student Soumik Ghosh and Assistant Professor Bill Fefferman find that random circuit sampling problems that incorporate non-unital noise do not anticoncentrate, breaking every easiness and hardness result to date.
Meteorites may be lost to Antarctic ice as climate warms, study says
April 11, 2024
In a CNN article, Geophysical Sciences postdoc Maria Valdes states that as the climate continues to warm, Antarctic rocks are sinking into the ice at an increasing rate, making many meteorites inaccessible to scientists and causing the loss of "precious time capsules that hold clues to the history of our Solar System."