News: Awards


Web of Science recognizes highly cited researchers of 2021

December 1, 2021

PSD against a white and turquoise background

Eight current University of Chicago Physical Science Division faculty were named in Web of Science's 2021 report of highly cited researchers. Researchers on the list have demonstrated significant and broad influence in the past decade, with highly cited papers ranking in the top 1% by citation for a chosen field or fields.

ScaleStuds project receives $5 million to build foundations for massive computation

November 29, 2021

The timber frame of a building under construction, which relates to an article about computer scientists building new software for massive clusters from the studs.

With a $5 million LARGE grant from NSF, computer science professors Haryadi Gunawi, Shan Lu, and Hank Hoffmann will lead a group of researchers to develop a new pipeline of tools, software, and systems that allow software developers to write robust new software for massive clusters, even without direct access to these expensive systems, thus building foundations for correctness checkability and performance predictability at scale.

PSD in the News - November 2021

November 18, 2021

PSD against a white and turquoise background

This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to invent chemical haptics, to detect internet censorship in real time, and to extract water from the air of even the driest deserts.

Second Annual PSD Staff Awards honors three members for dedication and hard work

November 18, 2021

11 PSD members shown clapping at an awards ceremony on Zoom

On Tuesday, November 16, members of the University of Chicago Physical Sciences Division attended the Second Annual PSD Staff Awards. The virtual gathering honored staff members nominated by their divisional peers, colleagues, students, and supervisors for their dedication, hard work, and commitment to the PSD. Winners included Mat Wimberly, Dept. of Mathematics, Out of the Box Award; Sierra Sterling, Dean of Students Office, Bridgebuilder Award; and Karin Czaplewski, Dept. of Computer Science, Keystone Award.

Prof. Eugene Parker accepts prestigious Crafoord Prize in Astronomy

November 11, 2021

Eugene Parker

University of Chicago Professor Emeritus Eugene Parker accepted the Crafoord Prize in Astronomy on Nov. 9 at a small reception at his home. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the prestigious prize in 2020 for Parker's "pioneering and fundamental studies of the solar wind and magnetic fields from stellar to galactic scales."

Asst. Prof. Sarah King awarded Air Force Office of Scientific Research Award

November 11, 2021

Sarah King

Neubauer Family Assistant Professor Sarah King, Dept. of Chemistry, is among 36 researchers receiving Air Force Office of Scientific Research Awards. A three-year grant of $450,000 will support her project, “Enhancing MXene catalysis on the nanoscale.”

University of Chicago to award four honorary degrees at 2022 Convocation

November 9, 2021

Katherine H. Freeman and Nergis Mavalvala

Two physical scientists will be among the four scholars awarded honorary degrees at the University of Chicago 2022 convocation. Katherine H. Freeman, an organic biogeochemist, developed the paleo-carbon dioxide proxy record that has contributed to the study of climate change. Nergis Mavalvala, a leading astrophysicist and LIGO collaborator, is notable for her work on the discovery of gravitational waves and for developing precision quantum optomechanics.

Prof. Laura Gagliardi, Department of Chemistry, elected Foreign Member of the Italian National Academy

November 4, 2021

Laura Gagliardi

Laura Gagliardi, the Richard and Kathy Leventhal Professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been elected Foreign Member of the Italian National Academy, called Academia Nazionale Dei Lincei. This is an august body of scholars, whose Vice-President is Giorgio Parisi, recipient of the recent Nobel in physics.

PSD in the News - October 2021

October 28, 2021

PSD against a white and turquoise background

This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to create materials that can move and block heat, use a massive accelerator to analyze dust from an asteroid, and build wearable devices for signing ASL and playing piano.

Two PSD members honored in Spring 2022 APS Prizes and Awards

October 25, 2021

Giulia Galli, Philip (Bo) Hammer

Two members of the Physical Sciences Division are among those who will be honored in the American Physical Society’s Spring 2022 Prizes and Awards. IMSI Director Phillip (Bo) Hammer was recognized as part of the TEAM-UP Task Force for the 2022 Excellence in Physics Education Award. Prof. Giulia Galli of molecular engineering and chemistry was recognized with the 2022 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics.

Bo Hammer, IMSI, awarded 2022 Excellence in Physics Education Award from APS

October 18, 2021

Philip Hammer

Philip (Bo) Hammer, Executive Director of IMSI, has been awarded the 2022 Excellence in Physics Education Award from APS. Hammer was cited for his work creating a national task force on the underrepresentation of African Americans in physics & astronomy.

Chemist Mark Levin named 2021 Packard Fellow

October 14, 2021

Mark Levin

Assistant Prof. Mark Levin of the Dept. of Chemistry has received a 2021 Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering. Levin is one of 20 early-career scientists and engineers nationwide to receive the fellowship, providing $875,000 over five years to support his research into inventing a new chemical reaction that can “live-edit” molecules down to the level of single-atom precision.

Three UChicago scientists named 2021 fellows of American Physical Society

October 13, 2021

Portraits of Yau Wah, Liang Jiang, and Aashish Clerk who were named fellows of the American Physical Society

Prof. Yau W. Wah of the Dept. of Physics is among three UChicago professors to have been named 2021 fellows of the American Physical Society. Wah was recognized for “leadership in the experimental study of rare neutral kaon decays, in particular, the search for KL to pi0 nu nu-bar, the so-called ‘golden mode’ of rare kaon decays.” Prof. Liang Jiang and Prof. Aashish Clerk of Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering were also recognized.

Students granted DOE Graduate Student Research Award for HEP at Fermi, data science at Argonne

October 8, 2021

Daniel King, left, Alexander Hryciuk

The Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program has selected two PSD students for its national laboratory research award. Chemistry students, Daniel King, will join research on data science for AI applications to chemical, geological, biochemical, and materials sciences at Argonne National Laboratory. Physics student, Alexander Hryciuk, will join experimental research on high energy physics at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Sixty-five students were awarded nationwide.

Asst. Prof. Edwin Kite awarded funding from first RSCA Scialog initiative

October 8, 2021

Edwin Kite

Assistant Professor Edwin Kite, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, has been awarded funding from the first Scialog initiative, which is short for “science + dialog.” Created by Research Corp. for Science Advancement, the Scialog format brings together early-career scientists to write proposals for high-risk, high-reward collaborations. Kite’s group proposed to create stochastic simulation of evolving planetary biospheres. They were among 20 groups selected, with $55,000 granted from Simons Foundation.