Scientists use X-rays from faraway galaxy cluster to reveal secrets of plasma
June 25, 2019
University of Chicago astrophysicist, Irina Zhuravleva, led a study that provides a brand-new glimpse of the small-scale physics of intergalactic plasma. Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists took a detailed look at the plasma in a distant galaxy cluster and discovered the flow of plasma is much less viscous than expected and, therefore, turbulence occurs on relatively small scales—an important finding for our numerical models of the largest objects in the universe.
PSD Spotlight: Sandra Quarles
June 24, 2019
Our final spotlight of the academic year is Sandra Quarles, Project Assistant in the Department of Computer Science. Sandra hails from Chicago and has worked at the University for 29 years. She has been nominated for exemplifying the PSD core value of holding ourselves accountable and honoring commitments.
Using human genome, scientists build CRISPR for RNA to open pathways for medicine
June 24, 2019
A group of scientists from the University of Chicago has announced a breakthrough method to alter RNA—and instead of using a protein from bacteria, like CRISPR, the new system is built out of parts from the human genome. Announced June 20 in Cell, the discovery could open new pathways for treating diseases or injuries by temporarily altering how the genetic template is carried out in the cell.
Scientists use atoms to simulate quantum physics in curved spacetimes
June 24, 2019
A team of physicists at the University of Chicago has built a quantum system to simulate the physics of Unruh radiation. The breakthrough advances our understanding of these complex physics—and could ultimately help us explain how the largest and smallest phenomena in the universe fit together.
Quanta interview features math professor, Amie Wilkinson
June 14, 2019
Quanta Magazine spoke with Wilkinson about the emotional dimensions of mathematical discovery, bizarre examples of dynamical systems that she’s found, and the idea of a “safe space” in mathematics.
First Class of Astrophysics Majors to Walk at Convocation
June 10, 2019
Nine students will be the first to graduate from the University of Chicago with a major in astrophysics on June 15.
Students earn Nathan Sugarman Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate and Graduate Research
June 7, 2019
Adel Rahman, a fourth-year student in the College, and Evan Angelico, a graduate student in the department of physics, have been honored by the Enrico Fermi Institute with Nathan Sugarman Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate and Graduate Research.
Scientists utilize Paleoproteomics to rewrite sloth classification
June 6, 2019
In a recent study, Prof. Slater from Geophysical Sciences, along with Samantha Presslee (University of York) and Ross MacPhee (American Museum of Natural History), utilized Paleoproteomics to point out differences between two and three-toed sloths—effectively rewriting sloth classification.
Chemistry PhD Student honored as recipient of 2019 Wayne C. Booth Prize
June 4, 2019
Gregory Rassolov, who is pursuing a PhD in Chemistry, is among four graduate students recognized for exceptional teaching of undergraduates. He was nominated for the Booth Prize by faculty and students for his ability to demystify the subject material and make it less intimidating.
Physical Sciences professors awarded Quantrell and Graduate Teaching Awards
June 4, 2019
This week, Prof. Malliaris of Mathematics was awarded the Quantrell award and Profs. Hu of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Lalley of Statistics were both awarded Faculty Awards for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring.
Scientist’s work on knotted vortices featured by PBS host of Physics Girl, Dianna Corwen
May 31, 2019
William Irvine, professor of physics, appears on Physics Girl to explain the process of creating knotted vortices, a phenomenon that occurs with airplanes during takeoff, by accelerating 3D-printed models in water.
Scientists recreate a cell division outside a cell for first time
May 31, 2019
Margaret Gardel, professor of physics at the University of Chicago, led an innovative new study, which for the first time recreates the mechanism of cell division—outside a cell. The experiment published May 21 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, helps scientists understand the physics by which cells carry out their everyday activities, and could one day lead to medical breakthroughs, ideas for new kinds of materials or even artificial cells.
PSD in the News - May 2019
May 31, 2019
This month, PSD community members have been featured for their work discovering the first-ever pockets of seawater preserved from the last Ice Age, recreating the mechanism of cell division outside the cell, and more. In case you missed it, review our news headlines from May 2019.
UChicago physicists to study macroscopic quantum phenomena as part of the Simons Collaboration
May 28, 2019
Dam T. Son, University Professor in the Department of Physics, and Michael Levin, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, have been awarded a Simons Foundation grant as part of the newly established Simons Collaboration on Ultra-Quantum Matter.
Norman Maclean Faculty Award
May 24, 2019
The UChicago Alumni Association has awarded Karl Freed, Henry G. Gale Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, theNorman Maclean Faculty Award for his research contributions, mentorship, and service as former Director of the James Franck Institute.