

Intentional Space: simple strategies blog

March 27, 2020

Intentional Space Working from Home & a morning routine

working at home & a morning routine
Read the PSD Communications blog Intentional Space for simple strategies to help you navigate working from home and heightening your awareness. This blog series by PSD Communications Specialist Maureen McMahon will run during Spring Quarter. Find simple work-from-home routines, mindfulness strategies, and ways to cultivate a peaceful day.

Mark Levin awarded Cancer Research Foundation Young Investigators Prize

March 24, 2020

Mark Levin

Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry Mark Levin was awarded the Cancer Research Foundation Young Investigators Prize for his proposal to find a new way to create a synthetic tracer compound which will significantly improve the effectiveness of current PET scan technology. If he is successful, his technology will open the door to a whole new class of more effective imaging compounds.

Margaret Gardel awarded the Sackler Prize in Biophysics

March 24, 2020

Margaret Gardel

Margaret Gardel, Professor in the Department of Physics and Director of the Material Research Science and Engineering Center, was awarded $25,000 for work on how cells sense mechanical forces and respond to those forces with chemical activity.

EDI’s Wellness Check-In March 2020

March 24, 2020

Wellness Check In March 2020 PSD Staff and Student Committee

We asked our Staff and Student Committees to share some of their strategies on wellness and virtual community building. Here are a few of their thoughts on how to best adapt, manage and stay positive.

PSD Spotlight: Natalie Lund

March 23, 2020

Natalie Lund

PSD’s April spotlight is Natalie Lund, Director of Communications for the Physical Sciences Division. Natalie has been with UChicago for eighteen months and is a young adult fiction author with Penguin Randomhouse.

Understanding RNA could boost effectiveness of future COVID-19 vaccine

March 23, 2020


Prof. Chuan He hopes to begin working on purified viral RNA from collaborators early this week.

Richard Miller, pioneer of computational astrophysics, 1926–2020

March 23, 2020

Prof. Richard Miller

Prof. Richard Miller, founding Chair on the Committee of Information Sciences and pioneer in numerical simulations of the formation of structure in the universe and dynamics of galaxies, died Mar. 7 in Chicago.

Research by PhD Student Pranav Gokhale and EPiQC Wins IBM Q Best Paper

March 20, 2020

Pranav Gokhale

Research by PhD Student Pranav Gokhale and EPiQC Wins IBM Q Best Paper

An Automated Menu for LHC Data and the Search for Dark Matter

March 18, 2020

Particle accelorator data

With a CDAC Discovery Grant, physicist David Miller and computer scientist Yuxin Chen hope to build a "self-driving" system for selecting and analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN

UChicago Medicine’s Emily Landon answers common questions about COVID-19

March 17, 2020

COVID-19 virus image

UChicago Medicine’s Emily Landon answers common questions about COVID-19. Assoc. Prof. Landon specializes in infectious disease, and serves as medical director of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control at University of Chicago Medicine.

“Active materials” could inspire new technology

March 13, 2020


James Franck Institute physicist Prof. Vincenzo Vitelli and his group push the boundaries between materials and machines. In a new Nature Physics paper, they explain "active materials” could inspire new technology

How AI could help translate the written language of ancient civilizations

March 13, 2020

Dig at Persepolis

Oriental Institute, Computer Science scholars collaborate on program to read cuneiform tablets

A Smithsonian curator remembers UChicago chemist Toshiko Mayeda

March 10, 2020

Toshiko K. Mayeda

UChicago female chemist Tosh Mayeda went from an internment camp to studying the chemistry of the solar system

UChicago computer scientists propose Fawkes, a system fighting unauthorized facial recognition models

March 10, 2020

Ben Zhao

UChicago computer scientists propose Fawkes, a system that allow individuals to inoculate themselves against unauthorized facial recognition models

A theory for generating and moving energy efficiently

March 10, 2020

LeeAnn Sager, Prof. David Mazziotti, and Shiva Safaei

Scientists Shiva Safaei, Prof. David Mazziotti, and LeeAnn Sager discuss a prediction that dual states of matter can exist in the same material—which may be useful for applications