Congrats to statistician Rina Foygel Barber for winning MacArthur Fellowship!
October 4, 2023

University of Chicago Prof. Rina Foygel Barber, a statistician known for her work in quantifying uncertainty, has been awarded a 2023 MacArthur Fellowship.
JWST takes a jab at the mystery of the universe’s expansion rate
October 4, 2023

Astro doctoral candidate Abigail Lee says, "The jury is still out on whether the JWST has completely eliminated crowding as a solution to the Hubble tension...analyzing the data for the rest of the 42 galaxies [that JWST plans to observe] will illuminate whether the Hubble tension is alive and real or if there are indeed just errors in the Cepheid measurements."
Predicting spin defect formation for use in quantum technologies
October 4, 2023

AzoQuantum article highlights a computational analysis led by Chemistry Prof. Giulia Galli forecasting the circumstances necessary to produce certain spin defects in silicon carbide.
For first time, scientists follow sodium and potassium inside cell organelles
October 4, 2023

UChicago chemists create sensors to track potassium, sodium in organelles.
UChicago alum Moungi Bawendi shares Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovery of quantum dots
October 4, 2023

Research by Bawendi, PhD’88, paved way for wide use of nano-sized particles in technology.
Congrats to Geophysical Sciences professor Andrew M. Davis for winning Leonard Medal!
October 3, 2023

The Leonard Medal, the Meteoritical Society's highest honor, "recognizes Prof. Davis' fundamental contributions to meteoritics and cosmochemistry across a wide range of investigations pertaining to time scales and processes in the solar nebula and to the synthesis of the elements in stars."
New 6G networks are in the works. Can they destroy dead zones for good?
October 3, 2023

Commenting on the FCC's broadband map in a Scientific American article, Director of the Internet Equity Initiative Alexis Schrubbe says, “The way that data decisions were made in the creation of this map will have ramifications for generations...this map is probably the highest-stakes data product that the federal government has ever created."
Nobel Physics Prize awarded to trio for work on electrons
October 3, 2023

In a Wall Street Journal, Robert Rosner comments on today's Nobel Prize in Physics, saying the winners have "basically created a tool that allows you to look at phenomena and timescales that we’ve never been able to explore before."
University of Chicago hosts second annual South Side Science Festival
October 2, 2023

A WGN video features Asst. Prof. Maanasa Raghavan discussing the inspiration for the South Side Science Festival.
Hands-on experience wows kids at South Side Science Festival: ‘Exposure is everything’
October 2, 2023

Chicago Sun-Times highlights the Second Annual South Side Science Festival.
Workers are worried about AI taking their jobs. Artists say it’s already happening.
October 2, 2023

In a Business Insider article, computer scientist Ben Zhao says the explosion in generative AI has sparked a "race to the bottom" as companies cut expenses and lay off low-level art roles, adding that "there's a lot of actual replacement going on, but many companies are just using generative AI as a way to argue for downsizing, to try to drive down costs and maximize profits."
Startup aims for real-time ‘human-level’ AI transcripts
September 29, 2023

IEEE Spectrum article discusses the new AI startup Echo Labs, which was recently accepted into the new data and AI startup accelerator: Transform
David Keith on why carbon removal won’t save big oil but may help the climate
September 29, 2023

An Economist article by Prof. David Keith discusses oil company investments into carbon capture technology.
Meet Mohit Verma, Physics
September 28, 2023

Mohit Verma, who grew up in Toronto, is a fourth-year PhD student in Physics. His research is in experimental atomic physics with the goal of probing new physics beyond the standard model.
How NASA brought an asteroid to Earth
September 28, 2023

A New Yorker article mentions the work of two UChicago chemists--Stanley Miller and Harold Urey (shown right)--in the 1950s who conducted research on the building blocks of life.
Photo courtesy of the University of Chicago Special Collections Research Center