News: Newsclips


Nobel Physics Prize awarded to trio for work on electrons

October 3, 2023

Robert Rosner

In a Wall Street Journal, Robert Rosner comments on today's Nobel Prize in Physics, saying the winners have "basically created a tool that allows you to look at phenomena and timescales that we’ve never been able to explore before."

University of Chicago hosts second annual South Side Science Festival

October 2, 2023

screenshot of video showing Maanasa Raghavan giving an interview on WGN

A WGN video features Asst. Prof. Maanasa Raghavan discussing the inspiration for the South Side Science Festival.

Hands-on experience wows kids at South Side Science Festival: ‘Exposure is everything’

October 2, 2023

A child wearing blue glasses looks at a fossil with a magnifying lens

Chicago Sun-Times highlights the Second Annual South Side Science Festival.

Workers are worried about AI taking their jobs. Artists say it’s already happening.

October 2, 2023

Ben Zhao

In a Business Insider article, computer scientist Ben Zhao says the explosion in generative AI has sparked a "race to the bottom" as companies cut expenses and lay off low-level art roles, adding that "there's a lot of actual replacement going on, but many companies are just using generative AI as a way to argue for downsizing, to try to drive down costs and maximize profits."

Startup aims for real-time ‘human-level’ AI transcripts

September 29, 2023

The University of Chicago Data Science Institute

IEEE Spectrum article discusses the new AI startup Echo Labs, which was recently accepted into the new data and AI startup accelerator: Transform

David Keith on why carbon removal won’t save big oil but may help the climate

September 29, 2023

Portrait of David Keith against a brick wall

An Economist article by Prof. David Keith discusses oil company investments into carbon capture technology.

Meet Mohit Verma, Physics

September 28, 2023

Mohit Verma

Mohit Verma, who grew up in Toronto, is a fourth-year PhD student in Physics. His research is in experimental atomic physics with the goal of probing new physics beyond the standard model.

How NASA brought an asteroid to Earth

September 28, 2023

Cesare Emiliani and Harold Urey (right) in a lab.

A New Yorker article mentions the work of two UChicago chemists--Stanley Miller and Harold Urey (shown right)--in the 1950s who conducted research on the building blocks of life.

Photo courtesy of the University of Chicago Special Collections Research Center

Phase 1 of M-STAR Center gets investment from National Science Foundation

September 28, 2023

illustration of MXenes

The National Science Foundation has awarded UChicago’s M-STAR Center of Chemical Innovation program $1.8 million as a Phase 1 Research Center. M-STAR, which is short for MXene Synthesis, Tunability and Reactivity, will be designed as a incubator of MXene study and a major nexus for materials science research.

DOE labs pitching major AI R&D initiative to Congress

September 28, 2023

Rick Stevens shakes hands with Joe Manchin

Department of Energy national labs are laying groundwork for a potential multi-billion dollar initiative to develop artificial intelligence tools for scientific and security applications, leveraging its advanced computing capabilities. Computer scientist and head of Argonne’s Computing, Environment, and Life Sciences Directorate Rick Stevens participated in the Senate-wide briefing.

Space Age Whiz Kid

September 27, 2023

Joalda Morancy

Meet Joalda Morancy, AB’22 (Astronomy & Astrophysics), children’s author and aerospace engineer.

Three-minute eggheads

September 27, 2023

Jelena Momirov presents her research

Doctoral students sum up years of work in 180 seconds.

Photography by Jason Smith

The Giant Magellan Telescope’s final mirror fabrication begins

September 26, 2023

Giant Magellan Telescope illustration

Seven of the world’s largest mirrors will search the Universe for life beyond Earth.

Why rain is getting fiercer on a warming planet

September 26, 2023

Liz Moyer in a lavender top outside

In a Wired article, GeoSci assoc. prof. Elisabeth Moyer discusses the impact of climate change on precipitation, saying, “the very physics that gives us the greenhouse effect also makes the planet shed more of this energy by evaporation. And because whatever goes up must come down, that means we also get more rain.”

Energy Department announces $325M for batteries that can store clean electricity longer

September 25, 2023

illustration of 4 batteries of descending levels of charged

GeoSci associate professor Elisabeth Moyer says "a cheap battery would remove the biggest hurdle to a renewables transition,” adding that the materials availability is also still an issue and the technology does ultimately generate waste.