News: Faculty


PSD Polsky Fall 2021 I-Corps teams tackle unmet medical needs, data transparency

January 28, 2022

UChicago members at a tech transfer reception

An open data platform journalists check, ordering an accurate 3D printed model of your tumor, or cardiac pacing solutions based on light in semiconductors. Market innovations born in PSD labs get tackled by cross campus expertise.

In the News - January 2022

January 27, 2022

PSD against a white and turquoise background

This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to mitigate the noise problem on quantum computers, to use doppler calculations to make a new map of twelve streams of stars orbiting our galactic halo, and to improve control over vacancies in silicon carbide used for quantum devices.

Scientists simulate ‘fingerprint’ of noise on quantum computer

January 26, 2022

A gold quantum computer against a black background

Scientists from the UChicago and Purdue University, including Professor of Chemistry David Mazziotti, collaborated on a new technique to construct a unique “fingerprint” of the noise on a quantum computer as it is seen by a program run on the computer. This approach, they say, shows promise for mitigating the noise problem—as well as suggesting ways that users could actually turn noise to their advantage.

PSD faculty named 2021 AAAS fellows

January 26, 2022

Ed Blucher and Mike Franklin

Two PSD faculty members are among the nine UChicago faculty named 2021 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Prof. Ed Blucher is a particle physicist and Prof. and Liew Family Chair of Computer Science Mike Franklin is an authority on computation and data science.

Computer scientist Prof. Ben Zhao named ACM fellow

January 20, 2022

Ben Zhao

The Association for Computing Machinery, the world's largest and most prestigious society of computing professionals, elected UChicago CS Professor Ben Y. Zhao as a fellow in the organization’s 2021 class.

Doomsday Clock remains at 100 seconds to midnight—closest ever to apocalypse

January 20, 2022

An image of the face of the Doomsday Clock with hands positioned 100 seconds to midnight

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced on Jan. 20 that the hands of the Doomsday Clock—which resides on campus and was started by members of the Manhattan Project—remain at 100 seconds to midnight—the closest it has ever been to apocalypse. The Bulletin cited disinformation, global security threats including ‘nuclear saber rattling,’ lack of actionable climate policies, disruptive technology and insufficient worldwide COVID-19 response.

Computer scientists eliminate pesky quantum computations

January 20, 2022

An illustration of a locomotive pulling train cars, with math symbols piled in the caboose

The work of computer scientists Bill Fefferman and Zachary Remscrim is discussed, as theories change regarding how hard it is to make intermediate measurements to quantify the complexity of quantum algorithms.

In-fridge controller could scale up quantum computers, award-winning UChicago research finds

January 18, 2022

A figure from a quantum computing paper showing the logic technology of SFQ-based two-qubit operations with low error.

An award-winning collaboration between computer scientists and physicists at the University of Chicago broke through one of the key obstacles for large-scale quantum computing by figuring out how to move their control signals “inside the fridge.”

Dietrich Müller, renowned cosmic ray scientist, 1936-2021

January 13, 2022

Dietrich Muller

Prof. Emeritus Dietrich Müller, a renowned experimental physicist at the University of Chicago who spent half a century building instruments to study energetic particles from space called cosmic rays, died Dec. 22 at the age of 85.

How to transform vacancies into quantum information

January 12, 2022

Aided by sophisticated computational tools, the MICCoM team reaped a harvest of pivotal discoveries that should pave the way for new quantum devices.

Aided by sophisticated computational tools, the MICCoM team led by Prof. Giulia Galli reaped a harvest of pivotal discoveries that should pave the way for new quantum devices, like greatly improved control over the formation of vacancies in silicon carbide used for realizing qubits in quantum devices.

Twelve for dinner: How the Milky Way ‘ate’ smaller star clusters and galaxies

January 11, 2022

Artist’s representation of our Milky Way galaxy surrounded by dozens of stellar streams (highlighted in different colors).

Astronomers including Asst. Prof. Alex Ji are one step closer to revealing dark matter enveloping our Milky Way galaxy, thanks to a new map of twelve streams of stars orbiting within our galactic halo. Using doppler calculations, the scientists measured the speeds of stars and their chemical compositions, telling us where they were born.

Cheng Chin receives ’21–’22 Marian and Stuart Rice Research Award

January 7, 2022

Cheng Chin

Professor Cheng Chin of the Department of Physics, the Enrico Fermi Institute, and the James Franck Institute has received the ’21–’22 Marian and Stuart Rice Research Award, a Divisional honor that provides $100,000 for intellectually exciting and innovative research ventures that enable new research directions. Professor Chin is a pioneer in using ultracold atoms to study the quantum phenomena that underlie the behavior of other particles in the universe.

Two PSD astronomers named AAS Fellows

January 5, 2022

Rich Kron and Hsiao-Wen Chen

Professor Hsiao-Wen Chen and Professor Emeritus Richard Kron in the University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics have been named 2022 American Astronomical Society Fellows.

Asst. Prof. Alex Ji comments on the potential of the James Webb Telescope

January 4, 2022

An artist’s rendering of the James Webb Space Telescope after reaching its orbital station, 932,000 miles from Earth.

Asst. Prof. Alex Ji, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, comments on the potential of the massive James Webb Telescope that launched on Christmas day and will be able to peer back 13.5 billion years. The successor to Hubble, it could help answer some of humanity’s biggest questions.

In the News - December 2021

January 3, 2022

PSD against a white and turquoise background

This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to find extremely energetic particles from outer space with the PUEO Antarctic balloon mission, teach students how to design, build and calibrate their own devices in the creative machines class, and assemble global experts to discuss internet equity and access.