News: Faculty


NASA’s Webb telescope peers into the boundary between day and night on a distant world

July 24, 2024

James Webb Space Telescope

Researchers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have observed new details about the boundary of a tidally locked planet—where half of the planet is always exposed to its star while the other is always shrouded in darkness. University of Chicago's Maria Steinrueck, Jacob Bean, and Diana Powell were co-authors of the paper presenting these results.

Enhancing multitasking efficiency: the role of muscle stimulation in reducing mental workload

July 24, 2024

4 hands working on a laptop

PhD student Romain Nith, research collaborator Yun Ho, and Associate Professor Pedro Lopes propose increasing the efficiency of multitasking by incorporating electrical muscle stimulation called “SplitBody.”

Will burying biomass underground curb climate change?

July 24, 2024

biomass power plant

Some climate experts say carbon removal start-ups will limit global warming, but significant questions remain. David Keith, head of the Climate Systems Engineering initiative at the University of Chicago, comments on the rise of carbon removal strategies. 

A multitalented atom-transfer reagent

July 24, 2024

A model of Hansmann's new reagent

Researchers combined the characteristic parts of two well-known reagents into a versatile new compound for transplanting carbon atoms into organic molecules. Chemistry professor Guanbin Dong comments on the scientific interest behind the research. 

Artists are taking things into their own hands to protect their work from generative AI

July 24, 2024

art on gallery walls overlaid with geometric pattern

UChicago researchers have created Glaze and Nightshade, programs aimed at protecting artists' work from AI scraping. Artists and researchers are embracing these tools as a first step toward fighting against unregulated AI practices.

Monumental proof settles geometric Langlands Conjecture

July 24, 2024

math symbols

In work that has been 30 years in the making, mathematicians have proven a major part of a profound mathematical vision called the Langlands program. Justin Campbell and Kevin Lin from the University of Chicago are part of this team of researchers.

Scientists call for ‘major initiative’ to study whether geoengineering should be used on glaciers

July 15, 2024

Graphic of a glacier melting

Propelled by UChicago’s Climate Systems Engineering initiative, a group of scientists has published a landmark report. It represents the first public effort by glaciologists to assess potential technological interventions that could help address catastrophic sea-level rise scenarios.

Eight books to add to your summer 2024 reading list

July 15, 2024

student studying on the quads

The 2024 winners of UChicago’s annual Quantrell and PhD Teaching awards share their summer reading recommendations.

Universities don’t want AI research to leave them behind

July 15, 2024

classroom with a frame around part of the image

With the rapid development of AI technologies in the private sector, universities are expanding their research to participate in the conversation. Professor Hoffman, chair of the Computer Science Department, comments on UChicago's computing infrastructure.

AI’s energy demands are out of control. Welcome to the internet’s hyper-consumption era.

July 15, 2024

Person using AI on their computer

Generative artificial intelligence tools, now part of the everyday user experience online, are causing stress on local power grids and mass water evaporation. Assistant Professor of Computer Science Junchen Jiang comments on the relationship between AI’s carbon footprint and its energy consumption. 

The uncertainties of climate change

July 15, 2024

Advocacy sign that say

How can we incentivize the private and public sectors to develop and deploy solutions to climate change, while accounting for uncertainties? This episode of The Pie covers a panel discussion among professors David Keith of GeoSci at UChicago, Franklin Allen of Imperial College in London, and José Scheinkman of Columbia. Nobel laureate Lars Peter Hansen moderates the conversation.

How will the rise of AI in the workplace impact liberal arts education?

July 15, 2024

Students doing homework with their computers

As questions mount regarding how AI tools will impact higher education, some experts believe that candidates with skills such as critical thinking and creativity will be at an advantage. UChicago Professor Rebecca Willett comments on the role that individuals with a liberal arts education will play in training and developing AI models.

Improved RNA editing expands gene therapy capabilities

July 15, 2024

RNA sequence

New research by Hao Yan and Weixin Tang at the University of Chicago explores the capabilities of an evolved bacterial adenosine deaminase, DECOR, to enhance RNA editing technology. This advancement will expand gene therapy efficiency by successfully targeting and editing disease-causing RNA sequences.

Sanctuary AI marks $140 million in funding for ‘humanlike’ robots

July 15, 2024

A robot shaking hands with a human

New investments in AI-powered robots are bound to significantly expand their role in everyday life and the workplace. Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Sarah Sebo, discusses how AI will enhance the reliability and skills of robots.

How a ‘once in a century’ broadband investment plan could go wrong

July 15, 2024

woman in a meeting with slow internet

To address inequitable internet access, California is preparing to fund an ambitious broadband project. However, advocates are concerned about the reliability of the maps that will determine the allocation of these funds. In Illinois, as similar initiatives are proposed, Alexis Schrubbe, Director of the Internet Equity Initiative, has helped develop an internet speed testing tool to assist residents' challenges to the state's broadband map.