Six PSD members named Highly Cited Researchers
November 15, 2023

Six UChicago physical and mathematical scientists were named in Web of Science's 2023 report of highly cited researchers. According to Web of Science, researchers on the list have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their fields and contribute “disproportionately to extending the frontiers of knowledge and gaining for society innovations that make the world healthier, more sustainable and more secure.”
Three Argonne scientists inducted as Fellows of American Physical Society
November 14, 2023

Congratulations to Katrin Heitmann, a Senior Associate for the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, for being inducted as an American Physical Society Fellow!
Heitmann’s research currently focuses on computational cosmology, in particular, on trying to understand the causes for the accelerated expansion of the Universe, and the role of dark matter and dark energy.
A crack at solving the asymmetry mystery
November 10, 2023

APS Ramsey Prize winner David DeMille describes his groundbreaking ACME experiment and how it puts the Standard Model to the test.
Mathematics Professor Luis Silvestre named 2024 AMS Fellow
November 8, 2023

Congratulations to Mathematics Professor Luis Silvestre, who was named a 2024 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)! Forty mathematical scientists from around the world have been named Fellows of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) for 2024, the program's twelfth year. AMS members designated as Fellows of the AMS have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.
UChicago CS chair, faculty, and students inducted into Samsung Hall of Fame for identifying vulnerability in SmartTVs
November 2, 2023

Researchers from the Department of Computer Science have created a side-channel attack that identifies how easily hackers could guess a user's passwords or credit card numbers by listening to the audio of a SmartTV. The work has been recognized by Samsung, and the group is now featured in the Samsung Hall of Fame for Smart TV, Audio, and Displays.
Congrats to cosmologist Rocky Kolb, winner of the APS Lilienfeld Prize!
October 24, 2023

In an interview with APS News, Kolb urges physicists to combat scientific illiteracy and discusses the Big Bang, parallel universes, and the need for public outreach.
Congrats to Physics professor David DeMille for receiving the APS Ramsey Prize!
October 24, 2023

The Norman F. Ramsey Prize recognizes outstanding accomplishments in the two fields of Norman Ramsey: atomic, molecular, and optical physics; and precision tests of fundamental laws and symmetries. DeMille, along with Gerald Gabrielse (Northwestern), and John M. Doyle (Harvard), earned the prize “for pioneering work in molecular physics, cooling, and spectroscopy that has profoundly advanced the search for the electric dipole moment of the electron, and for placing stringent constraints on modifications to the Standard Model in a tabletop experiment.”
UChicago professor wins ‘genius grant’
October 5, 2023

Crain's Chicago Business reports on Prof. Rina Foygel Barber being awarded a "genius grant" from the MacArthur Foundation.
Congrats to statistician Rina Foygel Barber for winning MacArthur Fellowship!
October 4, 2023

University of Chicago Prof. Rina Foygel Barber, a statistician known for her work in quantifying uncertainty, has been awarded a 2023 MacArthur Fellowship.
Congrats to Geophysical Sciences professor Andrew M. Davis for winning Leonard Medal!
October 3, 2023

The Leonard Medal, the Meteoritical Society's highest honor, "recognizes Prof. Davis' fundamental contributions to meteoritics and cosmochemistry across a wide range of investigations pertaining to time scales and processes in the solar nebula and to the synthesis of the elements in stars."
UChicago Researchers win Internet Defense Prize and Distinguished Paper Awards at USENIX Security
September 15, 2023

Among the top recognized at this year's USENIX Security Symposium were the Glaze Project and SUPERgroup's collaborative research on the vulnerability of university’s passwords to attacks leveraging password reuse.
Congratulations to Chuan He for winning the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year!
September 13, 2023

Chuan He, who was shortlisted last month for the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year, has been named the 2023 laureate for Life Sciences.
Three UChicago organic chemists have been selected for 2024 ACS national awards!
September 8, 2023

Congratulations to...
Viresh Rawal: ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Guangbin Dong: Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding Original Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a Young Investigator
Mark Levin: Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award
Crain’s Chicago Business Notable Women in STEM honors three PSD scientists
September 6, 2023

Congratulations to Prof. Marcela Carena, Prof. Wendy Freedman, and Dean of the Physical Sciences Division Angela Olinto! The three PSD scientists have been named Notable Women in STEM by Crain's Chicago Business.
Congratulations to Chuan He for winning the Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry!
August 29, 2023

Elsevier and the Board of Executive Editors of Elsevier’s Tetrahedron journal series are pleased to announce that the 2023 Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Chuan He, Department of Chemistry, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Photo by Jason Smith
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