Press Release: University of Chicago Scientist Wins Prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award
May 6, 2019
Professor Gregory Voth has been named winner of the prestigious S F Boys-A Rahman Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry.
2019 Student Fellowship Winners
April 26, 2019
Walter Massey, former faculty member and trustee emeritus, receives Vannevar Bush Award
April 18, 2019
The National Science Board announced that Massey, senior adviser to the president of the University of Chicago, will receive its prestigious Vannevar Bush Award.
National Sciences Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
April 18, 2019
Twelve graduate students in the PSD earned the prestigious National Sciences Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
Prof. Per Mykland earns Guggenheim fellowship to understand data architecture
April 16, 2019
The Robert M. Hutchins Professor of Statistics and Finance, Per Mykland, is one of five UChicago scholars to be named 2019 Guggenheim Fellows.
Two UChicago graduate students win prestigious Department of Energy fellowships
April 12, 2019
Graduate students Evan Angelico and Nina Coyle have received prestigious Department of Energy fellowships to conduct their research at Fermilab.
Mathematician Wins Prestigious Wolf Prize
January 17, 2019
Gregory Lawler, the George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, has earned the prestigious Wolf Prize for his contributions to research on stochastic processes.
Undergraduate honored by Association for Women in Mathematics
January 14, 2019
Naomi Sweeting, a fourth-year in the College, has been awarded the Alice T. Schafer Mathematics Prize, given annually by the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) to an undergraduate woman for excellence in mathematics.
Astronomer Receives Lifetime Service Award
January 11, 2019
Donald York, the Horace B. Horton Professor Emeritus in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, won this year’s Royal Astronomical Society Service Award for his lifetime contribution to astronomy.