April 26, 2019

Launching our PSD Spotlight series is Victor Gavin. Victor is a Building Manager in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences. We interviewed Gavin about his interests and experiences below.
How long have you been at the university?
1 year
What do you enjoy about being a part of the PSD community?
I enjoy the friendliness of my colleagues and the teamwork-focused environment that the PSD provides.
Tell us a bit about you.
Some of my hobbies are playing basketball and working out. I like to watch sports and enjoy tackling small construction projects around the house.
Who inspires you?
My daughter inspires me to be a great dad.
What is the most interesting thing that you are working on right now at or outside of UChicago?
I am currently working on purchasing some investment properties.
What does diversity and inclusion mean to you?
To me diversity and inclusion boils down to having an environment where all different kinds of people can thrive and succeed.
What have you seen lately that made you smile?
Recently, I saw my 3-year-old daughter ride her ‘big girl’ bike as she calls it. She was afraid at first, but is over that fear now.
Who had the most influence on you growing up?
My mom had the most influence on me. She kept me focused and taught me how to be a hard worker. Also my mother taught me that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
What three words best describe you?
Passionate, confident, fearless.
If they made a movie about your life, what genre would it be and who would play you?
It would be a drama/action film and Michael B. Jordan would play me.