PSD Spotlight: Jonathan Rodriguez

May 23, 2019

Jonathan Rodriguez

Jonathan Rodriguez is June 2019's PSD Spotlight.

Jonathan works as the departmental secretary for the Department of Statistics. He is from Chicago and has family ties to Puerto Rico and Guatemala. He has been a member of the PSD community for almost two years. While working in the Department of Statistics, he has helped numerous individuals, assisting with departmental events, aiding students with personal issues such as recovering lost items, and more. Jonathan is ready to pitch in—often without being asked. 

A PSD community member had this to say about Jonathan:

“He is (a) just very good at his job and (b) very friendly and goes above and beyond to make sure things are running smoothly. A student said, and I completely agree, ‘he always has a solution for any problem we have, and he’s always willing to drop whatever he’s doing to help out.’”

Jonathan exemplifies the PSD core value of holding ourselves accountable and honoring commitments.

We interviewed Jonathan about his interests and experiences below.

What do you enjoy about being a part of the PSD community?

I enjoy the kindness and support that I receive from the PSD community. 

Tell us a bit about you. (Whatever you are comfortable sharing: e.g. family, hobbies, etc.)

I enjoy traveling and attending many events in Chicago. I also enjoy trying new restaurants in the city. 

Who inspires you?

My brother inspires me. Even though he faces challenges in his life, he continues to put his family first. He is a constant reminder that all you have is family. 

What is the most interesting thing that you are working on right now (does not have to be work related)?

The most interesting thing that I am working on is myself. I strive to become a better person so that I may leave a positive impact at work and in my personal communities. 

What does diversity and inclusion mean to you?

Diversity and inclusion means being able to be different and not being left out because you are different. 

What have you seen lately that made you smile?

I witnessed a childhood friend enroll in college and set goals for herself. 

What three words best describe you?

Friendly, thoughtful, and passionate.

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