May 28, 2020
This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to uncover the secret behind the molecule that blocks HIV infection, why ocean circulation may hold the key to finding life on exoplanets, and what 'groupie' galaxies orbiting the Milky Way tell us about dark matter.
- Global carbon dioxide emissions predicted to plunge 'unprecedented' 8 percent this year. Prof. David Archer of the geophysical sciences says improvements are short lived
- Planet hunter Daniel Fabrycky among astronomers in no rush to toast Pentagon’s UFO footage
- Prof. Wendy Freedman reflects on astronomer Wiliamina Fleming for American Masters
- Mathematician measures the repulsive force within polynomials with a new mathematical proof involving the Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture. Prof. Frank Calegari comments
- No parallel universe? Asst. Prof. Abigail Vieregg discusses neutrinos and new findings about the universe
- Fast Company covers recommendations from PME Prof. Supratik Guha on the best materials for masks
- Scientists uncover secret behind molecule that blocks HIV infection
- Researchers to develop AI to help diagnose, understand COVID-19 in lung images
- Physics student, Jan Offermann, among 62 selected by DOE for high energy physics research at Argonne
- Data astronomy research co-led by Asst. Prof. Alex Drlica-Wagner reveals ‘groupie’ galaxies orbiting Milky Way tell us about dark matter, how galaxy formed
- Ocean circulation may hold the key to finding life on exoplanets and planets exactly like Earth may not be best places to look, UChicago study finds
- Prof. Diana Franklin co-lead writer of NSF report on key concepts for quantum education
- How to balance privacy while using contact tracing for COVID-19. UChicago computer scientist Blase Ur examines smartphone tracking during pandemic
- Startup QDIR, using UChicago Chemistry research, uses quantum dots for infrared detectors
Education and Community
- An online course developed by Fermilab and high school teachers trains students in the bizarre world of quantum computing
- Chemistry Asst. Prof. Suri Vaikuntanathan awarded 2020 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
- CS architecture grad student Pranav Gokhale and physical chemistry graduate student Matthew Ackerman selected for entrepreneurship program to develop quantum tech
- Glowing algebra theorems and glimpses into hospital make science lessons unique
- Prof. Alexander Beilinson, the David and Mary Winton Green University Professor of Mathematics, is one of two recipients of the prestigious Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences
- Prof. Simion Filip has been awarded a European Mathematical Society Prize in recognition of excellence
- CDAC’s new AI + Science grants fund projects and workshops in chemistry, physics, and CS Education
- Ted Fujita PBS American Experience: Mr. Tornado: One Man’s Pursuit to Understand the Deadliest Storms airs May 19
- Prof. Susan Kidwell honored for pioneering work on fossil record
- Physics Prof. Sidney Nagel elected to American Philosophical Society
- Physics graduate student, Daine Danielson, named a 2020 Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellow