June 26, 2020
This month PSD researchers have been featured for their efforts to find evidence of the elusive Axion Particle, develop UV light disinfection arrays for N95 masks, and identifying that a mysterious interstellar visitor was a dark hydrogen iceberg.
Direct proof of dark matter may lurk at low-energy frontiers
Astronomer Wendy Freedman encourages girls to reach for the stars on StartTV
Study by UChicago, Yale scientists lays out origin story for object named ‘Oumuamua'
Peter Eng interviewed about decontaminating N95 masks on Fox 32 Chicago
XENON1T dark matter detector picks up unexplained new signal
NASA’s TESS, Spitzer missions discover a world orbiting a unique young star near us
A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii
Education and Community
PSD members honored with 2020 Quantrell and Graduate Teaching Awards
Jesus Alvarez, Clare Keenan, and Aaron Slipper awarded teaching prizes