March 27, 2020
My name is Maureen McMahon, your PSD Communications Specialist. After 15 years of working at home as an editor, writer, publicist, and parent, I’ve learned a lot about the importance of intentional space. This series is meant to share simple strategies honed from the holistic living emphasis of my journalism, and are suggestions to help you navigate working from home and heightening your awareness.
Home these days for all of us is filled with competing needs, so every suggestion is of course hypothetical. All ideas are mine, stemming from my knowledge of holistic living and daily practices, and not the PSD’s. May you find a new way of working you carry with you. Thanks, Maureen
Intentional Space: working at home and a morning routine

A great day working from home balances connection and focus. Mornings are a time of connection—to self care, to eating foods you find helpful, to exercise, and to others. Make light conversation, spend time with family and animals, and get a few house chores moving. When it’s time to work, transition to a work space.
Especially now, before you take in the news, it can help to make an inventory in the morning to ground you and orient your day. You can start by finding ways to acknowledge your day has begun. Admiring what is out the window, listening for birdsong, watching sunrise, or a walk into a spring morning can elevate your mood and help you feel your connection and belonging.
Most of us expect to spend the majority of work time on the computer. Make an effort every morning to connect with people and animals first. Smile at those who join you at the breakfast table or on video. Laugh and talk about what you are grateful for and what has been helping you. Ask how you can support others and figure it into the day ahead. Care for your pets and give your family your quality attention during your morning routine. As part of your inventory ask, have I touched another person or animal, or paused to join the natural world for a few minutes? If I am unsettled, can I take a moment to calm down before I join my work?
Another helpful practice is stating an intention for your day. State a desire, call in a way of feeling, and keep it simple. Some examples are, “Today I desire flexibility and patience through my day,” or “Today I will be aware of my well-being.” Maybe also take a moment to make a statement of compassion for yourself, those close to you, and the world.
Making small efforts like these before you start your work will support you to feel that you are actively working on a balance between connection and focus.