August 22, 2023

Congratulations to UChicago chemist Chuan He for his inclusion on the shortlist for the Falling Walls Foundation Science Breakthrough of the Year 2023. He is entered in the Life Sciences category, which includes research on bioelectricity imaging, resilient crops, RNA-modifying ribozymes, cancer and neurodegenerative disease treatment, minimally invasive regenerative medicine, and others.
He, the John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor in Chemistry, is recognized for “Breaking the Wall of Food Insecurity.” His laboratory work on the functional roles of RNA chemical modifications in gene expression regulation aims to build resilient high-yielding crops.
The laureates—selected from over 1,000 candidates—will be announced on Wednesday, September 13, and will present their scientific breakthroughs at the Falling Walls Science Summit in Berlin on 9 November.
To learn more about He's work, read his interview with Falling Walls: "Beyond DNA and histones: Chuan He’s exploration of RNA modifications and gene expression"