Professional and Leadership Development

The University of Chicago and the Physical Sciences Division offer many resources for professional and leadership development, as well as opportunities to get involved.

PhD Leadership Training

Fellowship Listservs and other Resources

Diversity in STEM Conferences Registration Fee Sponsorship

Graduate Council (GC) Funding Opportunities

Graduate Student Mentee Toolkit


myCHOICE exposes, educates, and provides students with career options and experiences that leverage their strong research training. myCHOICE highlights employment opportunities focused on business, education, government policy, industry, innovation, research, and the public sector.


Get Involved

Diversity and Inclusion Committees and Organizations

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) offers faculty and student leadership opportunities. More information about various student leadership opportunities can be found on their webpages, including Peer Mentorship.

Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT)

The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) began as a grassroots student organization and has grown to encompass 18 graduate programs in the Biological Sciences Division (BSD) and Physical Sciences Division (PSD) at the University of Chicago with over 50 members and a dedicated faculty counterpart in the form of the Diversity Council. GRIT is committed to enhancing diversity, inclusion, and equity across the BSD and PSD graduate programs. GRIT focuses on three central components: recruitment, retention, and sustainability in order to increase the recruitment and retention of students from marginalized backgrounds.

Joint Research Safety Initiative

The Joint Research Safety Initiative (JRSI) is a new safety community run by students, post-docs, and research assistants on campus that aims to provide centralized and accessible safety and educational resources for students and faculty.

PSD Dean's Student Advisory Committee 

The PSD Dean's Student Advisory Committee (DSAC) is comprised of graduate student representatives from each program in the PSD and the Dean of Students office. Committee meetings give PSD students an advisory voice in the Division's administration and an opportunity to comment on how institutional policies and plans affect student life. Likewise, they provide the Dean of Students with an opportunity to explain institutional policies to the students and to learn first-hand about student concerns. Contact your program's DSAC representatives with any issues you think should be brought to DSAC.

PSD Social Committee

The PSD Social Committee (PSD-SC) sponsors social, recreational, and cultural events for graduate students in the Physical Sciences Division to encourage a healthy work-life balance. All students are welcome and encouraged to participate! Overseen by the PSD Dean of Students Office, the committee appropriates a portion of the Division's quarterly student life fee. The PSD-SC also funds Happy Hour and helps sponsor the summer softball league. The Board is made up of three PSD student volunteers elected annually to serve calendar-year terms. To learn more about how to get involved or view upcoming events, visit the PSD-SC website or Facebook page.

Women and Gender Minorities in Graduate Science 

The Women and Gender Minorities in Graduate Science (WIGS+), a cross-departmental group, come together at least once a quarter for social programs and professional development.