This section contains policies that are applicable to graduate students in the Physical Sciences Division, including information on:
- Academic policies
- Concerns and Grievance
- Current Contact Information
- Disability accommodations
- Employment/Positions
- Family life
- General Petition
- Grading policies
- Leaves of absence
- List-host policies
- PhD Registration Limits
- Registration
- Registration hold policies
- Residency
- University policies
- Unregistered Students
- Vacation Time Guidance for Faculty
The Student Manual is the official statement of University policies, regulations, and expected standards of conduct applicable to all students. Students are expected to be familiar with these policies.
In all instances, conduct involving a possible violation of University policies and regulations and other breaches of standards of behavior expected of a student in the Physical Sciences Division should be brought promptly to the attention of the PSD Dean of Students. The Physical Sciences Division follows the Area Disciplinary System outlined in the Student Manual.
Dean's Summons
From time to time, a Dean or their designee will require the immediate presence of a student to address a matter of genuine urgency. In such cases, the Dean or designee may issue a summons requiring the student to appear in person at a specified time and place, regardless of the student's other commitments. Failure to appear as required by the summons is a serious matter and may result in a restriction of registration or referral to an area Disciplinary Committee.
Divisional and Departmental Policies
In addition, PSD graduate students are required to comply with specific divisional, departmental, or program policies where such exist, including training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR).
Academic Policies
- Good Standing and Academic Probation Policy
- Academic Integrity
- PhD Registration Limit Policy
- Pro Forma
- University Academic Policies
- Withdrawal from the University
Good Standing and Academic Probation Policy
Good Standing
In order to be in Good Standing in the Physical Sciences Division, students are expected to complete required courses, maintain GPA minimums, adhere to deadlines, and fulfill requirements as set out by each individual program or department. If a student has any questions about relevant degree milestones or maximum timelines for completion of requirements for a PhD or Master’s program, they are encouraged to contact the program directly or to reach out to the Dean of Students office at any time.
Students are expected to maintain Good Standing and make academic progress toward the degree throughout their graduate career. If a student is deemed not to be in Good Standing based on the criteria outlined above, the student may be placed on Academic Probation upon the recommendation of the faculty in their program and approval of the department or program chair.
All PSD PhD students receive full funding as part of their offer of admission (via a University of Chicago source or external fellowship, award, prize, or grant) as long as they continue to make satisfactory academic progress. This funding support includes primary funding, annual insurance premiums, and the quarterly Student Services Fee. This support may take the form of Research Training Assignment (RA) position, Pedagogical Training Assignment (TA, Lecturer, etc.) position, or fellowship stipend position. All such assignments form part of the student’s academic and professional training and accepting an assignment is a requirement of remaining in good academic standing. Since these assignments are integral to the student’s academic and professional development, students are not permitted to decline funding in any given quarter of their degree program. Students on outside fellowship will receive a supplement from the program if their outside fellowship funding totals less than the funding amount noted in the offer of admission.
Academic Probation
Students on Academic Probation will be informed in writing about the expectations for how they may return to Good Standing and given a timeline for completion of those requirements, generally a minimum of one quarter. A copy of this document, along with the student’s confirmation of receipt and acknowledgement of the terms of the probation letter shall be sent to the Dean of Students.
Students who are unable to meet the expectations outlined in the Academic Probation letter may not be permitted to continue in the program.
Academic integrity is a fundamental value of the University of Chicago and the Physical Sciences Division. The PSD expects that students will abide by the University’s policies on academic honesty and plagiarism and academic fraud. Students found to be in violation of those policies are subject to the University’s area discipline system.
Current Contact Information
In general, students enrolled in in-person programs are expected to be in residence in Chicago for the duration of their studies, though limited exceptions do exist (e.g. Pro Forma status, etc.) and keep their physical address information updated.
Disability Accommodations
The Divison's guidance on using disability accommodations and quarterly procedures can be found on the SDS Accommodation Process page.
The University's policy on disability accommodations can be found in the Student Manual.
Student Disability Services (SDS) welcomes students to self-identify as an individual with a disability. SDS staff will engage with you in an interactive process to identify the necessary services and accommodations to ensure equitable access to University programs and services. Students can complete a request for an accommodation by submitting the online Student Disability Services Request Form.
If SDS determines that accommodations are appropriate they will provide the student with an Accommodation Determination Letter that states the approved accommodations. Copies are shared with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will assist with the implementation of accommodations.
For general questions about accommodations, please email disabilities@uchicago.edu.
For questions about implementing your accommodations, please email Sarah Lippert, Assistant Dean of Students, Physical Sciences Division.
PhD and full-time MS students should not hold student positions that total more than 20 hours/week during Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters, per University policy. Some students may be eligible to hold positions that total up to 37.5 hours/week in Summer Quarter. Please note that international students have hours limitations to maintain their F-1 or J-1 immigration status.
PhD Students
PhD students typically hold a Research Training Assignment (RA) position, Pedagogical Training Assignment (TA, Lecturer, etc.) position, or fellowship stipend position to receive their primary funding each quarter in their PhD program.
Students in the PSD are permitted to accept teaching roles beyond their academic and funding requirements for additional pay with approval from their program. Please note that each program may have teaching and funding guidelines in place for taking on additional roles.
If you are a PhD student and are interested in adding a position beyond your primary TA or RA appointment, please make sure to speak with your department prior to accepting the additional position.
Examples of additional positions that you should speak to your department and faculty advisor about: TA position outside your department (e.g. Booth, The College, Summer Session), RA position outside your department, instructional grader, etc.
General Petition
Students seeking exceptions to policies may use the general petition form (requests can be submitted to the Dean of Students).
Grading Policies
Click here for grading policies
Family Life
Leaves of Absence
From time to time, students may want or need to take a leave of absence from their studies in the Physical Sciences Division. If you are considering a leave of absence, please contact your Student Affairs Administrator in your department or the Dean of Students Office directly (psd-dos@lists.uchicago.edu) for information about next steps. Generally, students are allowed up to four quarters of personal leave of absence and up to four quarters of medical leave of absence. The University's policy on leaves of absence can be found in the Student Manual.
International students considering a leave of absence must consult with the Office of International Affairs in addition to working with their Department and the Dean of Students Office. Please note that you must work with both the Dean of Students Office and the Office of International Affairs to request a leave of absence.
More details about Leave of Absence policies can be found here.
Leave of Absence and Withdrawal Tuition Proration Policy
The Bursar publishes the tuition proration policy for leaves of absence and withdrawals on its website.
List-host Policies
- Email messages must be related to the business and mission of the Physical Sciences Division.
- Emails of a personal nature, such as notices of items for sale, lost or found items, and solicitation of goods or services are not allowed.
- Messages that publicize or endorse causes (even a very good cause), such as relief efforts for victims of natural disasters or organizations seeking assistance that are not already associated with the University are not allowed.
- List-host moderators have the right to withhold any messages that do not meet the guidelines set forth in this policy.
PhD Registration Limits
For students who entered a PhD program in the Physical Sciences Division before summer 2016, there is a twelve-year registration limit. For students who entered between summer 2016 and spring 2017, there is a nine-year registration limit. For students entering summer 2017 or later, the registration limit is seven years. Students who exceed these limits will be administratively withdrawn from their degree programs.
Per University policy, students who exceed registration limits after entering PhD candidacy may complete a dissertation independently and petition their program to defend the dissertation and to graduate.
Exceptions to Registration Limits for Students Entering Summer 2016 or Later
For students entering summer 2016 or later, leaves of absence are not counted against registration limits, nor is time spent in a formal master’s program.
Exceptions to registration limits may be granted by the Dean of the PSD on petition of the relevant department chair or program director, subject to approval of the Provost. Requests for exceptions should be submitted to the PSD Dean of Students. Such requests should ordinarily be made at least two quarters before the registration limit (e.g., seventh or ninth year) or at least two quarters before the end of any time extension that may already have been approved. Factors that will be taken into account in deciding whether to grant the exception include, but are not limited to:
- Whether the student has entered PhD candidacy;
- The extent to which circumstances outside the student’s control have contributed to delayed progress toward the PhD;
- Whether the exception is being sought in connection with an accommodation granted by the Student Disabilities Services Office;
- and whether the student, along with the advisor and department chair or program director, has developed a reasonable plan, including clear, achievable milestones, for finishing in a timely manner.
Quarterly Registration Timeline
Graduate students should plan to register during eighth week (8th week) for the upcoming academic quarter unless instructed to register at a different time by the Dean of Students Office or their department/program. Registration reference guides are available on the Registrar’s website.
Students who do not complete registration until the first day of a quarter will ordinarily be assessed a late registration fee. This fee is not applied to students returning from a leave of absence.
PhD Student Registration Overview
The University of Chicago requires PhD students to be continuously registered. Students complete Ph.D. program requirements as established by individual academic units. To foster professional development and steady progress toward the degree, the Physical Sciences Division requires Ph.D. students to maintain satisfactory academic standing in each quarter of enrollment; and to be registered during the summer quarter in addition to autumn, winter, and spring.
Continuous registration means that PhD students must be enrolled for at least 300 units, including the option of research or advanced study. While registered, students may have access to student housing, library privileges, use of athletic facilities, eligibility for student health insurance, and access to the services of UChicago Student Wellness.
Ph.D. students who do not wish to register in a given quarter may request a personal leave of absence (up to four quarters available for duration of studies) or a medical leave of absence (up to four quarters available for duration of studies). Ph.D. students who submit and defend their dissertation by the end of first week of their graduation quarter are eligible for a “no registration required” status during their graduation quarter. Students who submit and defend their dissertation by the early deadline typically do not receive departmental support that quarter.
MS Student Registration Overview
Ordinarily, full-time MS students in the PSD enroll in 300 units of courses during Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters.
Since most MS programs in the PSD do not require continuous registration, students should notify their program/department if they ever plan not to take courses during the Autumn, Winter, or Spring Quarter. Students who are considering not taking courses in an upcoming quarter should discuss their registration plans and degree progress with their program/department several weeks prior to the quarter they plan not to register.
International students should carefully review registration expectations related to their student visa in addition to discussing their registration plans with their program/department. To maintain F-1 and J-1 status, federal immigration regulations require students be enrolled full-time for all quarters listed on the I-20/DS-2019, with the exception of the vacation quarter (usually summer).
For Summer Quarter, MS students planning to take courses must term activate themselves prior to registering.
Booth Registration
Students interested in taking courses at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business should carefully review Booth's registration guide and timelines.
PSD graduate students may not register for a Booth course in their expected graduation quarter if they need to receive a grade in the Booth course to complete their degree requirements.
Course Time Conflicts and Simultaneous Enrollment
Students who are interested in simultaneously enrolling in two courses that have a time conflict must submit a general petition to the Dean of Students Office. Simultaneous enrollment due to a time conflict is only granted in rare circumstances, and generally only for minimal or partial time overlap.
In the petition, the student should: (1) identify the two courses that have a time conflict (e.g. PHYS 12345/1 and PHYS 54321/1), (2) include written consent from the instructors of both courses that indicates that the instructor is aware of the time conflict and approves of the student missing a portion of their course meeting time, and (3) include written approval from their program leadership that the program will allow the student to enroll in two courses with a time conflict. These written approvals can take the form of email correspondence.
If a student is approved for simultaneous enrollment, it is the student’s responsibility to coordinate with their instructors to resolve any issues that result from the time conflict.
Registration Hold Policies
From time to time, students may have holds placed on their accounts. Students who have been placed on hold will not be able to register for courses nor access University services and facilities until their financial obligations or compliance with rules and regulations have been fulfilled.
If you see a hold on your account, please see the information below to review the action needed to remove the hold. You are also encouraged to reach out to your Student Affairs Administrator or the Dean of Students Office for more information and assistance with having the hold removed.
Notification of holds are posted on the “My Alerts” portlet of my.UChicago. Students are responsible for regularly checking their alert status and contacting the restricting office as soon as possible to resolve the matter.
Type of Hold | Resolving the Hold |
Administrative Leave Candidate |
Students with this restriction should contact their program administrator and the Dean of Students Office to communicate their plans to resume studies. |
Annual Confirmation Task | Students must complete a required annual confirmation task in my.UChicago. To complete the annual confirmation task, follow these instructions. |
Emergency Contact | All students are required to provide emergency contacts. Follow these instructions to update emergency contacts. |
Financial Responsibility Agreement | This Financial Responsibility Agreement outlines the policies and procedures governing the management of your Student Account at the University of Chicago. Students are required to confirm their review and agreement to these policies once during their academic career. Students should navigate to the “My Alerts” section of my.UChicago to complete this agreement. |
Immunization Requirement |
The University requires in-person students to comply with the State of Illinois immunization requirements. Student Wellness provides information about complying with this requirement. |
Past Due Balance | Students with a past-due balance can submit the full payment to have the hold automatically removed. Students who are unable to remit the past-due balance in full should contact the Bursar. |
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training | Students must annually complete sexual misconduct prevention training. To complete the training, follow these instructions. A link to access the training is available on the linked page. |
Graduate students enrolled in in-person MS or PhD programs in the Physical Sciences Division must maintain a significant physical presence on campus during each quarter of enrollment.
Exceptions to the residency requirement will be considered in limited circumstances (e.g., research that requires a student to be away from campus to continue to make academic progress or an internship that requires the student to temporarily be away from the Chicago area). Exceptions require approval from the student's advisor (for PhD candidates), the Director of Graduate Studies, and the Dean of Students Office. Approval must be documented by the student's program and be obtained in advance of being away from campus.
Students who anticipate being away from campus for a significant portion of the quarter and who will not register for courses should request a leave of absence.
Students who are assigned to a Pedagogical Training Assignment (TA, Lecturer) in a given quarter must be in residence in Chicago for the duration of their teaching assignment, which typically means residence is required from the first day of courses in a quarter through relevant grade submission deadlines each quarter. Students in pedagogical training assignments are required to fulfill their teaching assignment duties in-person. Remote teaching is not permitted.
Students who are assigned to a Research Training Assignment (RA position) in a given quarter must maintain a significant physical presence on campus for the duration of the assignment. If a student's research requires remote field work or for the student to be away from the Chicago campus, the student must obtain written permission from their advisor, Director of Graduate Studies, and the Dean of Students in advance of being away from campus.
University Policies
- Civil Behavior in a University Setting
- Campus Violence Prevention Policy
- Medical Payments for UChicago Student Injuries Occurring in Labs at UChicago
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct
- Policy on Religious Accommodation for Missed Classes, Assignments, and Exams
- Student Concerns and Grievance Policy
Unregistered Students
PhD Students
PhD students have a continuous registration requirement for the duration of their degree program. In effect, this means that PhD students should be registered for at least 300 units each quarter.
PhD students who do not register will be contacted by their department/program and the Dean of Students Office. Students must register each quarter to receive their PhD funding as outlined in their offer of admission.
If a PhD student in regular student status remains unregistered at the end of first week of the quarter, they may be placed on an administrative leave of absence for that quarter.
MS Students
MS students should discuss their registration plans with their program/department each quarter for the upcoming quarter and follow any registration processes the program/department has in place.
Some programs may permit students to enroll in 0 units in certain quarters. It is the student’s responsibility to notify their program of their plans and engage in discussions about how this will impact their degree progress.
MS students who do not register for classes by the end of the second week of a given quarter and who have not requested a leave of absence will be removed from active student status in that quarter. Removal from active student status will limit access to campus resources in the quarter in which the student is unregistered.
Additionally, a registration hold may be placed on a student’s account for the upcoming quarter. When a student is ready to resume studies, the hold can be removed by reaching out to the Dean of Students Office and the program/department. Students who remain unregistered for a second consecutive quarter may be placed on an administrative leave of absence.
Administrative Leave and Withdrawal Policy
Graduate students who are restricted from registering must clear their restrictions by the end of the third week of the quarter or they will be put on an administrative leave of absence in that quarter. At the beginning of the next quarter, if the student has failed to clear all restrictions, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the University by their Dean of Students (unless the student is on a documented non-administrative leave of absence).
Vacation Time Guidance for Faculty
During the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, Graduate Student Employees (GSEs) who are performing research or teaching services for the University are generally expected to schedule their vacation or personal time off during academic breaks (i.e., Winter and Spring Break), as outlined in the University’s Academic Calendar. Students may also be able to take personal time over Summer quarter as approved by their supervisor at least two weeks in advance of the requested time off, or as soon as possible if two weeks’ notice is impractical under the circumstances.
In general over the course of a calendar year, GSEs are expected to take a reasonable amount of vacation and personal time off, with the majority of time off expected to be taken during Winter and Spring Break. Students holding a research position may opt to take the majority of their time off in the summer instead of over Winter Recess and Spring Break, with the approval of their supervisor.
Vacation and personal time while a student is holding a teaching position for the University is ordinarily not permitted, and if required for an exceptional reason for a brief period should be requested of a supervisor well in advance and alternate arrangements for teaching obligations to be met should be agreed upon. Remote work while a student is holding a teaching or research position for the University is not permitted.