Origins of Life: John Sutherland
1:30–3:00 pm Zoom webinar
John Sutherland from the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge presents “Origins of Life Systems Chemistry,” as part of the Origins of Life Speaker Series.

The 1st Annual Staff Awards
12:00–1:00 pm
Virtual PSD staff awards ceremony honoring 34 nominated staff members and 4 winners. Remarks by Dean Olinto and EDI Director Neli Fanning.
Partnering to Advance AI Research & Development
2:00–4:00 pm Zoom
In part one of this two-part workshop, “Partnering to Advance AI Research & Development,” we begin with a broad focus on partnering opportunities available to advance AI research and development between the partnering institutions at University of Chicago, Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory, and Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC). This workshop will highlight and identify opportunities for synergistic R&D among our institutions. There will be multiple Q&A opportunities to provide as much interaction as possible.

Origins of Life: Daniel Glavin
1:30–3:00 pm Zoom webinar
Daniel Glavin from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center presents “Meteorite Delivery of Prebiotic Organics: An Inventory for the Origin of Life,” as part of the Origins of Life Speaker Series.

Origins of Life: Jenny Bergner
1:30–3:00 pm Zoom webinar
Jenny Bergner from the University of Chicago presents “Astronomical insights on the delivery of organic building blocks to new worlds,” as part of the Origins of Life Speaker Series.
Dealing with COVID-19 in Theory and Practice - IMSI
Through October 30, 2020 Zoom
The extraordinary impact of COVID-19 requires equally extraordinary measures, which are the focus of this workshop. Four major themes will be represented: Public Health Challenges, The Role of Data Science, Measuring and Managing Economic Impact, and The Path Forward. One unique aspect of this workshop is the breadth of participants, bringing together stakeholders from the most relevant communities, including biomedical experts, epidemiologists, public health officials, economists, business professionals, and bioethicists. One of the key objectives of this workshop is to encourage collaboration across disciplines that have practical impact in the near term.

Maria Goeppert Mayer Lecture Series: Andrea Ghez, Nobel laureate, Physics 2020
3:30–4:30 pm Virtual; see link in full description
The Monster at the Heart of our Galaxy: Learn about new developments in the study of supermassive black holes.

Origins of Life: Sara Walker
1:30–3:00 pm Zoom webinar
Sara Walker from Arizona State University presents “Inferring the ‘Laws of Life’ at a Planetary Scale,” as part of the Origins of Life Speaker Series.

Origins of Life: Anna Wang
1:30–3:00 pm Zoom webinar
Anna Wang from the University of New South Wales presents “Hierarchical self-assembly of model primitive cells,” as part of the Origins of Life Speaker Series.

Ada Lovelace Week hosted by Human Computer Integration Lab
Through October 16, 2020 Online
A week of talks/panels to celebrate women and non-binary scientists, artists, and technologists. This event is hosted by Human Computer Integration Lab at University of Chicago, a pursuit in understanding and engineering how future input and output devices will overlap deeply with our bodies.