Mind Bytes 2021

1:00–4:00 pm Online

Register on eventbrite

Mind Bytes is a celebration of scholarship and research computing. It is a unique event that brings together faculty, staff, and students from every corner of the University who share an interest in high-end computing, data, scientific visualization, and the use of computation and data to advance what is considered state of the art in their fields. The theme for discussion for this year's event is From AI to Quantum Computing: Towards a Transformative Research Ecosystem.

Mind Bytes will feature faculty lightning talks, a fireside chat, and a keynote address.

Lightning Talk by PSD Assoc. Professor Tiffany Shaw, Department of the Geophysical Sciences: You can't put the Earth in a jar: simulations of Earth's atmosphere and climate

Keynote by Margaret Martonosi, Assistant Director, Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) at the National Science Foundation

Fireside Chat with Professor David Awschalom: Quantum Information, a path to transform science and industry

More details can be found on the Mind Bytes homepage

Event Type

Broad Audience, Colloquia

Mar 30