The 2024 Coleman R. Seskind Lecture
4:00–6:00 pm Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, Room 1103
Dr. Richard Henderson gives the 3rd annual Coleman R. Seskind Lecture in the Biological Sciences: “Extending the reach of Cryo-EM,” from 4-5pm in KCBD 1103. (Informal reception to immediately follow the lecture, from 5-6pm in the 1st floor lobby.)

Compton Lecture Series - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI
11:00 am KPTC Room 106
Anthony Badea
Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow
This lecture series will discuss the forefront of research in particle physics, focusing on accelerator-based experiments to understand the conditions, objectives, and technology needs. In particular, the series will highlight how new computing hardware and artificial intelligence (AI) are opening up novel experimental programs.
This event is free and for the public.

Compton Lecture Series - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI
11:00 am KPTC Room 106
Anthony Badea
Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow
This lecture series will discuss the forefront of research in particle physics, focusing on accelerator-based experiments to understand the conditions, objectives, and technology needs. In particular, the series will highlight how new computing hardware and artificial intelligence (AI) are opening up novel experimental programs.
This event is free and for the public.

Serendipity Sneak Peek
4:30–6:00 pm William Eckhardt Research Center
The new UChicago HR Resource Group UChicago Women in STEM (WISE) invites you to a sneak peek film screening and Q&A with Prof. Erin Adams. Learn about the journey through STEM of Prof. Erin Adams in UChicago STAGE Lab’s documentary about her, Serendipity, from their Curiosity: The Making of a Scientist series. This is a free event. Drinks and popcorn provided. Please RSVP.

Broader Impacts Fair 2024
12:00–2:00 pm ERC Atrium
All students, faculty, and postdocs are invited to the 2024 Broader Impacts Fair. “Broader Impacts” refers to the ways in which research in mathematics, engineering, and the natural and social sciences can have a broad impact on society through education, policy, and economic development. Come and meet representatives from over 20 organizations who will describe how you can get involved in volunteer opportunities to advance broader impact goals.

Third Annual South Side Science Festival
11:00 am–6:00 pm University of Chicago Hyde Park Campus, Science Quads between S. Ellis Ave. and S. Drexel Ave.
South Side Science Festival
Where Science is For Everyone
Save the Date!

Compton Lecture Series - Understanding the Building Blocks of Nature with Particle Collisions and AI
11:00 am KPTC Room 106
Anthony Badea
Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow
This lecture series will discuss the forefront of research in particle physics, focusing on accelerator-based experiments to understand the conditions, objectives, and technology needs. In particular, the series will highlight how new computing hardware and artificial intelligence (AI) are opening up novel experimental programs.
This event is free and for the public.
Introduction To Solar Geoengineering and Governance Challenges with Profs. Barbara Koremenos and Edward A. Parson
12:00–2:00 pm University Law School Faculty Lounge
After briefly introducing Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), Koremenos and Parson will outline its major governance opportunities and challenges, including the possibilities and incentives for unilateral or self-interested use, SAI’s potential to trigger or exacerbate geopolitical conflict, the current political and rhetorical landscape, and the potential interactions of SAI and its governance with other elements of climate-change response and broader global governance.

AI+Science Summer School 2024
Through July 19, 2024 Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation
This year’s speakers will focus on applications of AI and Machine learning in core areas of domain science – genetics and physics, materials and chemistry, energy sciences, climate sciences and bioinformatics. The goal of the program is to introduce a new generation of diverse interdisciplinary graduate students and researchers to the emerging field of AI + Science.

Brinson Lecture 2023-2024: Gerry Gilmore (University of Cambridge)
6:00–7:30 pm Venue SIX10
Gerry Gilmore, FRS, Emeritus Professor of Experimental Philosophy
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
“The Dynamic Milky Way – Seeing our Galaxy Evolve”