UChicago RDCP Information Session
12:00 pm Zoom
Learn how the UChicago Research Dissemination and Communications Program (UChicago RDCP) can help you broadly share the goals and outcomes of your research projects, maximizing visibility and impact.

The Power of One by Brenda Darden Wilkerson, President and CEO of AnitaB.org
1:00 pm John Crerar Library, Room 298, and Zoom
In her impactful speech, “The Power of One,” Brenda Darden Wilkerson passionately explores the transformative potential inherent in every woman and non-binary individual in the tech industry. With a poignant emphasis on the concept of The Power of One, Wilkerson illuminates the profound impact that each person can wield independently, addressing society’s most pressing challenges and catalyzing meaningful change.

Cultivating Strong Relationships Across the Media Landscape: Best Practices from Faculty Experts
1:00 pm Zoom
Are you interested in securing media coverage to generate broader interest in your research and scholarship? This Academic Communicators Network session will share best practices from faculty experts, featuring Damon Jones, Associate Professor at the Harris School of Public Policy, and Ben Zhao, Neubauer Professor of Computer Science.
Join a discussion of the Doomsday Clock and current global threats
5:30–7:00 pm International House
Join us on February 6, where we will host a Doomsday Clock event with a series of panelists addressing looming global threats. Registration required—few tickets left.
2024 MLK Commemoration Celebration
6:00 pm Rockefeller Memorial Chapel and webcast
Martin Luther King III to deliver keynote at 2024 MLK Commemoration at Rockefeller Chapel, where his father first spoke in 1956.
MS in Applied Data Science: Ask a Student
6:00–7:00 pm Virtual
The MS in Applied Data Science, “Ask a Student” series allows prospective students the opportunity to meet with current students in the MS in Applied Data Science program. Registration required.

Space Talk with the UChicago Space Network
1:00–2:00 pm Zoom Webinar
Join the UChicago Space Network online in conversation with science historian Kris Palmieri and astrophysicist Richard G. Kron about the ways the University is spotlighting women astronomers who contributed to groundbreaking stargazing at the famed Yerkes Observatory during the early twentieth century.

myCHOICE Externship deadline
All day
The PSD Office of Communications is pleased to offer two myCHOICE externships for the Winter 2024 quarter: one for Digital Content Specialist and one for Science Writer. Application cycle ends November 21st at 11:59 pm CDT.

Compton Lecture Series - How Fundamental Sciences Has Changed the World
11:00 am–12:00 pm Kersten Physics Teaching Center
Free lectures open to the public.
Philipp Windischhofer, UChicago
Grainger Postdoctoral Fellow