Brinson Lecture with Carlos Frenck
6:00–7:00 pm Eckhardt Research Complex
Prof. Carlos Frenk of the University of Durham will deliver the annual Brinson Lecture on May 17 at 6 PM: “How our universe was made: all from nothing”

Inaugural Data Science Institute Summit
2:00–5:00 pm Friedman Hall
The inaugural Data Science Institute Summit will feature the UChicago vision for data science and sessions on DSI research programs, such as AI + Science, Internet Access and Equity, and Data and Democracy, as well as education and outreach partnerships with the City Colleges of Chicago, minority-serving institutions, and the 11th Hour Project.

Harper Lectures: The Ethical and Societal Impact of AI, Data, and Computing: A Conversation with CS Faculty
5:30–8:00 pm Rubenstein Forum
The Ethical and Societal Impact of AI, Data, and Computing: A Conversation with Computer Science Faculty members Marshini Chetty, Aloni Cohen, Michael Franklin, Blase Ur, and Heather Zheng
Dean's Salon Series: Speech and the Soul with Sanjay Krishnan, Computer Science
6:00–7:30 pm online
Speech and the Soul: Language, Artificial Intelligence, and the Mind. Join Dean Anne Walters Robertson for a conversation with Allyson Ettinger, Sanjay Krishnan, David Schloen, and Malte Willer about what artificial intelligence can and cannot tell us about what it is to be human.

HLX Group: A Day in the Life with Angela Olinto
12:00–1:00 pm Online
The UChicago Hispanic LatinX (HLX) Resource Group is hosting “A Day in the Life” — a lunchtime conversation with PSD Dean Angela Olinto, who is from Brazil.
Symposium for Teaching with Technology
Through April 21, 2022 online
From 1-5:30 PM each day, view presentations and discussions by faculty and instructors about the ways in which they are integrating technology into their teaching. They will share how they are engaging with students in new ways both online and in the classroom.

World Quantum Day with Assoc. Prof. Diana Franklin
4:00–5:00 pm Online
As part of World Quantum Day, Associate Prof. Diana Franklin, Dept. of Computer Science, will join a live webinar to discuss “What is Quantum Science and Why Should I Care?” intended for students and the general public.
Women's History Month 2022 Panel & Reception for Students
5:00 pm Eckhardt Research Center
Women’s History Month 2022 panel & reception for students, featuring Angela Olinto, Dean of the PSD, UChicago, Teri Odom, Chair of Chemistry, Northwestern, and Ali Vanderveld, Senior Staff Data Scientist, Wayfair
IMSI Workshop: The Mathematics of Soft Matter
Through March 4, 2022 Online
The UChicago Institute on Mathematical and Statistical Innovation is hosting the workshop The Mathematics of Soft Matter: Dynamic and Structure. This workshop will bring together mathematicians, computational and theoretical chemists and chemical engineers, and experimental scientists to identify critical topical areas that intersect mathematics and the physics and chemistry of soft matter.

MLK Reflection Station
12:00–1:00 pm Online
PSD students are invited to reflect on the campus-wide MLK Celebration keynote messages at a gathering the next day via Zoom.