- The Office of Research Safety handles all chemical, biological, radiological, and laser safety training on campus. Their website also houses laboratory research safety manuals and policies.
- Their program page offers guidance, laser registration forms, and document templates for SOPs.
- Their lessons learned page shares lessons from campus incidents.
- The Office of Environmental Health and Safety handles fire and life safety, disability self-identifications in case of emergency, and many more programs.
- Their who does what page identifies what offices manage different aspects of environmental health and safety across campus.
- Their training platform, EHSA, provides information about hazardous waste, safety inspections, training records, placards, and more.
- The Joint Research Safety Initiative (JRSI) is a new safety community run by students, postdocs, and research assistants that aims to provide centralized and accessible safety and educational resources for students and faculty. They house safety moments and outside resources on their website and are welcoming new members.
- The SafeLAB Newsletter is a quarterly communication that provides information about upcoming events, announcements, policy changes, etc.
- UChicago Go Forward provides the University's COVID-19 guidance and campus information.
- Emergency/University of Chicago Police Department:
- 123 from on-campus phones
- Press the red button on an emergency phone
- Dial 773-702-8181 on all other phones
- The Office of Safety and Security manages emergencies for the campus. See procedures for:
- The UChicago Mobile Safety App allows users to directly call UCPD and CPD with the tap of an icon; send the user's location to UCPD with mobile blue light; access safety resources; and report a crime or speak to a dispatcher.
- cAlert is the University's electronic mass notification system. Users can adjust settings to receive alerts via text, phone calls, pagers, etc.
- UChicago HELP for emergency and non-emergency resources, including some available 24/7
- Report all accidents and incidents, including unsafe conditions and near misses, using the University of Chicago Accident Incident Reporting (UCAIR) System. If there are no injuries, reports can be submitted anonymously.