The Power of One by Brenda Darden Wilkerson, President and CEO of

1:00 pm John Crerar Library, Room 298, and Zoom

5730 S Ellis Ave Chicago, IL 60637

Brenda Darden Wilkerson is the President and CEO of, an organization that connects, inspires, and strives for greater equality for women technologists in business, academia, and government. She founded the original Computer Science for All program, building computer science classes into the curriculum for every student in the Chicago Public Schools, and serving as the inspiration for the Obama administration’s national CS For All initiatives.

In her impactful speech, "The Power of One," Brenda Darden Wilkerson passionately explores the transformative potential inherent in every woman and non-binary individual in the tech industry. With a poignant emphasis on the concept of The Power of One, Wilkerson illuminates the profound impact that each person can wield independently, addressing society's most pressing challenges and catalyzing meaningful change. Drawing inspiration from the narratives of "reluctant warriors," unsung heroines of recent history who embarked on journeys of innovation without seeking fame, she underscores the significance of individual courage and determination. Through insightful advice and compelling examples, Wilkerson galvanizes her audience to embrace boldness and bravery, echoing the spirit of countless women and non-binary pioneers. Her call to action extends beyond the confines of the tech realm, urging everyone to contribute to the betterment of society at large, echoing the ethos that has shaped the path for progress set by those who came before.

Reserve your in-person spot or register to attend via Zoom.

Event Type

Broad Audience

Feb 8