Through November 5, 2022 Online forum
UChicago-PKU Joint Forum 2022
The climate and energy challenge is inherently global as individual nations cannot control the global thermostat in isolation and must collaborate to curb the consequences of climate change. Join the University of Chicago and Peking University for a joint forum convening academics, policymakers, regulators, and industry leaders to discuss how the US and China – the two largest carbon producers - and the world, are addressing the climate and energy challenge. The panel discussions will elaborate on the impact climate change is having on civilization and how innovative technology, arts and the humanities, public policy, and industry are working to address this challenge. The forum will highlight the conflicting goals of confronting climate change and how decisions made today will impact all of humanity for years to come.
Addressing the Climate & Energy Challenge: A Joint Forum Hosted by UChicago & Peking University
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