Through March 4, 2022 Online
The UChicago Institute on Mathematical and Statistical Innovation is hosting the workshop The Mathematics of Soft Matter: Dynamic and Structure. Recent advances to experimental and modeling/simulation methods are providing high resolution data within soft matter systems that are of increasing complexity. There is an aim to tailor the design of soft matter materials, where the community is at a tipping point of innovation that mimics the tremendous growth of hard-materials design that has emerged over the last two decades. However, the intrinsic disorder and multiscale structural and dynamic characteristics of soft matter challenges mathematical descriptions and models that are needed for more robust predictive capability and a fundamental understanding of the underlying physics. This workshop will be to bring together mathematicians, computational and theoretical chemists and chemical engineers, and experimental scientists to identify critical topical areas that intersect mathematics and the physics and chemistry of soft matter. We seek to inspire mathematical development and to provide a platform for mathematicians and the domain scientists to share tools and methodologies that are mutually beneficial to these communities. These include the following mathematics areas: 1) graphs, topology, and geometry for the development of physically-motivated descriptors, 2) dimensionality reduction for identifying correlated motion and phenomena (including linear and non-linear methods) and 3) model reduction for creating simplified mathematical representations that support transfer of information across the atomistic/molecular scale to the macroscale.
To learn more and register, visit the event webpage.