DSI Distinguished Speaker Series with Jenna Wiens

3:00–4:00 pm Online, Crerar 390

This Data Science Institute event will take place both in-person at John Crerar Library Building Room 390 and online via Zoom or YouTube. Please register and choose your preference for additional details.

Though the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare warrants genuine enthusiasm, meaningful impact will require careful integration into clinical care. AI tools are susceptible to mistakes and rarely capable of capturing all of the nuances pertaining to a complex clinical situation. Thus, we propose approaches designed to augment, rather than replace, clinicians during clinical decision making. In this talk, I will highlight two related research directions in which we propose i) a transfer learning approach for mitigating potentially harmful shortcuts when making diagnoses and ii) a novel reinforcement learning approach for matching patients to treatments. In summary, there’s a critical need for machine learning in healthcare; however, the safe and meaningful adoption of these techniques will require collaboration between clinicians and AI.

For more information and to register, visit the event website.

Event Type

Broad Audience, Lectures


Computer Sciene, AI>

Nov 8