Harper Lecture with Marcela Carena

7:00–8:00 pm online

UChicago Alumni & Friends presents Prof. Marcela Carena, Dept. of Physics, EFI, and KICP, delivering a lecture entitled, "The Unseen Universe: How It Impacts the World We See." Opening introduciton by Dean Angela V. Olinto.

The invisible determines our everyday existence. An invisible energy field, related to the Higgs boson, provides mass. Dark matter, while still undetected in the laboratory, holds our galaxy together. Virtual particles can flicker into existence and disappear very quickly, affecting the forces of nature and the behavior of matter. Join Marcela Carena to learn about exciting new results from experiments at Fermilab with particles called muons—results that may illuminate new forces in nature, changing our understanding of the universe all the way back to the big bang.


Event Type

Broad Audience, Lectures



Oct 26