9:00 am–6:00 pm online
The fourth annual Chicago Quantum Summit will be a daylong program of presentations and discussions focusing on growing quantum ecosystems, commercializing research, and considering complex issues such as workforce development and inclusion — on both local and global scales.
The Summit is a hybrid event. Virtual participation is broadly available. Summit website.
Register to virtually attend the 2021 Summit
9:30 Paul Alivisatos, President of the University of Chicago, J.B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois, David Awschalom, Liew Family Professor of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago; Senior Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory; Director of the Chicago Quantum Exchange
9:50 Keynote, Charles Tahan, Assistant Director for Quantum Information Science and Director, National Quantum Coordination Office, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
10:20 Keynote, Jesse Robbers, Executive Board Member and Director, Industry and Digital Infrastructure of Quantum Delta NL
11:05 Keynote, Paul Dabbar, Chairman and CEO of Bohr Quantum Technologies
1:30 Panel, Diana Franklin, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Chicago; Karen Jo Matsler, Assistant Professor of Practice, University of Texas Arlington; Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Professor of Physics, The Ohio State University; Thomas Searles, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois Chicago; M. Ofelia Aguirre Paden, Director of the Center for Science and Engineering Partnerships (CSEP) at the University of California Santa Barbara; Moderator: Linda Sapochak, Division Director, Division of Materials Research, NSF
2:45 Panel, Quontopticon; Keith Evans, CEO and Co-founder, Great Lakes Crystal Technologies; Michael Flatté, Founder, QuantCAD; Pranav Gokhale, CEO and Co-founder, Super.tech; Kanav Setia, Co-founder and CEO, qBraid; Carol Scarlett, Founder, Axion Technologies, LLC; Moderator: Liz Ruetsch, GM, Quantum Engineering Solutions, Keysight Technologies, Inc.
4:15 Keynote, Cathy Foley, Chief Scientist of Australia