PSD Staff Summer Coffee Hour

Coffee mugs

Hosted by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Staff Committee

9:00–10:00 am Online

All PSD Staff are invted to join the PSD Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Staff Committee for a Zoom Coffee Hour on Wednesday, June 9 from 9-10 am!

The coffee hour is a chance for PSD staff to connect virtually. This is a great opportunity to get to know our fellow staff since many of us are working remotely.

We will have three Zoom spaces available for folks to join and discuss different topics of interest arranged by PSD EDI members. We look forward to seeing you on the 9th!

RSVP by June 8 at 5 pm 

Breakout Rooms
Hosted by Brent Barker

We'll discuss reflection questions from the Holstee Reflection Cards, a deck of questions for meaningful conversation and reflection. Example questions include "How have you grown this past year?", "What fear would you like to overcome?", "How do you want to be remembered?"
Meeting ID: 987 9443 8608
Passcode: 396472


Hosted by Sarah Lippert

"Travel Adventures"--A place to share your travel stories/photos! We will also talk about places we're planning on/dreaming about traveling to once that is again a possibility.
Meeting ID: 961 1045 8634
Passcode: 866665


Hosted by Jennifer Smith

Read any good books recently? Listened to any interesting podcasts? Hop into this room to discuss what you're currently reading/listening to/watching and get suggestions for new things to check out.
Meeting ID: 821 3881 8769
Passcode: a9ScLb



Jun 9