Relaying volunteers’ input on machine learning to researchers
March 5, 2025

Chicago’s Adler Planetarium message board hosts conversations between staffers, scholars, and some of the roughly 2.8 million volunteers in Zooniverse, the world’s largest platform for crowdsourced research online. Starting around late 2023, staffers noticed a flurry of uncertainty and discomfort from volunteers centered around machine learning. The Zooniverse team recognized that this discomfort required a larger conversation. A grant from The Kavli Foundation will enable that conversation exploring the ethics of machine learning in citizen science in partnership with the University of Chicago’s Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP); the Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public at the University of California, Berkeley; and the National Science Foundation-Simons SkAI Institute.
Lab experiments add to evidence that Earth’s mantle is more complex than thought
March 3, 2025

A team of geologists and mineral physicists at Harvard University, the University of California, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Chicago has found evidence via lab experiments that show the Earth's mantle is far more complex than previously known.
The Moon Solidified 4.43 Billion Years Ago
March 3, 2025

In a new research project, UChicago Prof. Nicolas Dauphas and a team of scientists used rocks gathered during the Apollo missions to learn more about the Moon's origins.
Today’s forecast Partially cloudy skies on an ultra-hot Neptune
March 3, 2025

A new article provides insights into the extreme atmosphere of a rare ultra-hot Neptune. Michael Radica, a postdoctoral researcher in Astronomy and Astrophysics, was second author of this study.
Lunar rocks help scientists pinpoint when the moon crystallized
February 25, 2025

UChicago scientists study samples from Apollo missions, revealing new details about lunar history.
Scientists track sea ice loss with earthquake sensors
February 21, 2025

A new UChicago study uses seismological “background noise” from worldwide monitoring network to study Arctic.
Argonne National Laboratory opens ‘Aurora’ supercomputer to researchers
February 21, 2025

Argonne National Laboratory, a national laboratory affiliated with the University of Chicago, has fully opened its Aurora exascale supercomputer to researchers across the world, heralding a new era of computing-driven discoveries.
Quantum Leap: New research reveals secrets of random quantum circuits
February 19, 2025

UChicago researchers unveil insights into random quantum circuits, exploring the speed at which random circuits scramble information. These findings, to be presented at the Quantum Information Processing Conference, are crucial for understanding quantum supremacy experiments as well as the future of quantum cryptography.
‘New findings on TET gene can revolutionise cancer treatment by identifying novel therapeutic targets’
February 13, 2025

In a new interview, Chemistry Professor Chuan He talks about the new findings in cancer research.
Scientists explore how to make quantum bits with spinel gemstones
February 13, 2025

A type of gemstone called spinel can be used to store quantum information, according to new research from a collaboration involving University of Chicago, Tohoku University, and Argonne National Laboratory.
How bioelectronics could heal our bodies and minds, with Bozhi Tian (Ep. 151)
February 12, 2025

Prof. Bozhi Tian, a leader in the field of bioelectronics, explains his research lab’s work and provides insight into captivating intersections between biology and technology.
Rethink: is big tech stealing your life?
February 12, 2025

In this edition of the BBC's Rethink podcast, UChicago Prof. Ben Zhao comments on the problems surrounding AI tools and how his research helps people fight back against copyright infringements.
Exploring the intersection of AI and climate physics: Machine learning’s role in advancing climate science
February 4, 2025

A new collaborative study, involving UChicago associate professor Pedram Hassanzadeh, discusses the critical and evolving role of machine learning in the study of climate science.
How to Poison the A.I. Machine, Freakonomics Episode 619
February 4, 2025

In this episode of Freakonomics Radio, UChicago's Ben Zhao speaks on how he learned that artists were seeing their work stolen by A.I. models and his evolving project to fight back against such copyright infringements.
Chicago lab connects computers with the human body
February 4, 2025

UChicago Associate Professor of Computer Science Pedro Lopes leads the Human-Computer Integration Lab. In this new interview, Lopes and his team show the potential of new technologies and AI to help enhance peoples' capabilities.