PSD Academic Accolades and Honors

For over a century, the Physical Sciences Division at the University of Chicago has been renowned for shaping and defining new fields of discovery in the physical and mathematical sciences. Our faculty, researchers, and alumni have won 51 Nobel Prizes and 10 Fields Medals. Our faculty have earned 12 National Medals of Science, and we currently have 34 National Academy members. Six NASA missions have been named after our faculty and alumni (ChandrasekharCompton, Fermi, HubbleParker, and Roman).

These honors are a testament to the division's commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in disciplines such as astronomy & astrophysics, chemistry, computer science, geophysical sciences, mathematics, physics, and statistics. The division's collaborative and innovative spirit continues to foster an environment where scientific pioneers thrive, making it a global leader in the physical and mathematical sciences and a hub for cutting-edge research.

Nobel Laureates | Wolf Prize | Fields Medal | National Medal of Science | Presidential Medal of Freedom | American Academy of Arts & Sciences | National Academy of Sciences | Guggenheim Fellowships | MacArthur Fellowships

Explore the PSD faculty's latest accolades and honors below.

Recent Accolades and Honors

Astronomy & Astrophysics


Computer Science



Biophysical Sciences

Astronomy & Astrophysics


Computer Science

Geophysical Sciences


Astronomy & Astrophysics


Computer Science

Geophysical Sciences




Astronomy & Astrophysics

  • John Carlstrom, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar Distinguished Service Professor, has received the 2024 Arthur L. Kelly Faculty Prize for Exceptional Service in the Physical Sciences Division, 5/22/24
  • Wendy Freedman, John and Marion Sullivan University Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics, was awarded the Georges Lemaître Prize, 5/16/24


Computer Science

Geophysical Sciences


Astronomy & Astrophysics


  • Scott Snyder received ’23–’24 Marian and Stuart Rice Research Award, 2/23/24
  • Assistant Professor Anna Wuttig has received a NSF CAREER Award, which provides funding to pursue the "development of self-healing electrocatalysts via a tunable non-covalent design" over the next five years, 1/8/24
  • Benoît Roux is the 2024 recipient of the prestigious Kenneth S. Cole award, 1/5/24
  • Chuan He awarded the 24-25 Tina's Wish Award for new ways to "clinically evaluate asymptomatic adnexal masses," 1/4/24 

Computer Science

  • Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Data Science Haifeng Xu has been named one of the AI2050 Early Career Fellows by Schmidt Sciences, 3/4/24
  • Assistant Professor Yanjing Li Awarded NSF CAREER Grant for Innovative Computer Architecture and Deep Learning Research, 2/26/24
  • Nick Feamster's NetMicroscope, a startup that monitors and corrects network performance, recently was awarded $200,000 from the George Shultz Innovation Fund, 1/23/24
  • Three computer science professors have received named professorships: Henry Hoffmann has been named Liew Family Chair and Bo Li and Ce Zhang have been named the first Neubauer Associate Professors of Data Science, 1/3/24

Geophysical Sciences

  • Sunyoung Park earned a prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship, recognizing early-career scholars’ potential to make substantial contributions to their fields, 2/20/24
  • Assistant Professor Clara Blättler has received a NSF CAREER Award, which provides funding over the next five years to “improve understanding of Earth’s evolution following the appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere approximately 2.3 billion years ago,” 2/7/24


  • Yuehaw Khoo earned a prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship, recognizing early-career scholars’ potential to make substantial contributions to their fields, 2/20/24
  • Yuehaw Khoo has won an NSF CAREER award, 2/15/24
  • Rebecca Willett awarded the SIAG DATA Career prize, 2/10/24
  • Stephen Stigler has been awarded the 2023 Neumann Prize for his book Casanova's Lottery: The History of a Revolutionary Game of Chance, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL, 2022, 1/17/24

Data Science Institute

Astronomy & Astrophysics


  • Mark Levin won the 2023 Dream Chemistry Award, 12/5/23 
  • Wenbin Lin was elected to the European Academy of Sciences as a foreign member, 12/5/23
  • Anna Wuttig received an NSF CAREER grant, 11/28/23
  • Highly Cited Researchers in Web of Science's 2023 report, 11/15/23
    • Qing Dai 
    • Chuan He 
    • Wenbin Lin
    • Jiwoong Park
  • Bryan Dickinson was awarded $350,000 in seed funding from the Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust’s Catalyst Award program for a project called “Development of targeted translational activating oligos to treat SYNGAP1 deficiency-related neurological disorders,” 10/26/23. Dickinson was one of two UChicago nominees (the maximum number allowed), and both won.
  • Ka Yee Lee was named a 2023 Biophysical Society Fellow, 10/10/2023. This honor is given to only seven scientists "who have demonstrated sustained excellence in science and have contributed to the expansion of the field of biophysics."  Ka Yee was honored for her impactful work on the structure and stability of lipid membranes and their interactions with proteins.
  • Steven Sibener received the Ira Remsen Award given by the Maryland section of ACS, 10/9/23
  • Dmitri Talapin and John Anderson awarded $1.8M by NSF for M-STAR (MXene Synthesis, Tunability and Reactivity) Center of Chemical Innovation program as a Phase 1 Research Center, 9/27/23
  • Chuan He selected as first laureate for Science Breakthrough award by Falling Walls, in Life Sciences, 9/13/2023
  • ACS awards, 9/7/23
    • Viresh Rawal received the ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
    • Guangbin Dong received the Elias J. Corey Award for Outstanding Original Contribution in Organic Synthesis by a Young Investigator 
    • Mark Levin received the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award

Computer Science

  • Assistant Professor Robert Rand received an Air Force Young Investigator Grant, 12/19/23
  • Ce Zhang’s startup Together (a startup creating open source generative AI and AI model development infrastructure) announced that it closed a $102.5 million Series A funding round, 11/29/23
  • SAND Lab won a 2023 Chicago Innovation Award, 11/16/23
  • Department Chair Hank Hoffmann and Neubauer Professor Nick Feamster (along with students and an alum) were inducted into the Samsung Hall of Fame for identifying vulnerability in SmartTVs, 10/30/23
  • Rick Stevens testified in Congress about a major report he co-authored called AI for Science, Energy, and Security, 9/7/23
  • USENIX Security Symposium awards, 9/5/23
    • Ben Zhao and Heather Zheng’s Glaze Project was chosen for both the Internet Defense Prize and a Distinguished Paper Award for its ability to protect artist’s work from being replicated
    • A paper by Blase Ur’s SUPERgroup received the Distinguished Paper Award for research on the vulnerability of the university’s passwords to attacks leveraging password reuse

Geophysical Sciences



  • Young-Kee Kim is the 2024 APS President, 1/1/24
  • David DeMille has received a grant for small-scale physics research projects from the Moore Foundation along with the Simons Foundation, Sloan Foundation, and Templeton Foundation, 12/11/23
  • David DeMille received the American Physical Society’s 2024 Norman F. Ramsey Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and in Precision Tests of Fundamental Laws and Symmetries, 10/24/23
  • Bonnie Fleming was one of 80 projects in high energy physics that received a total of $137 million in funding from the Department of Energy, 10/19/23
  • See Notable Women in STEM Award in Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Margaret Gardel and Arvind Murugan awarded $15.5M by NSF to establish Center of Living Systems, 9/12/23
  • See National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology award in Statistics


Biophysical Sciences

Data Science Institute